A Christmas Eve Miracle

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Senior year in college Christmas Eve.
      Kate's room was a mess. There  were clothes on the bed, floor and everywhere else. Almost everything was in 2 piles.   The only things not were a 3 dresses. One was a green sparkly dress that was short but had cap sleeves. The second dress was a tight red dress with a big bow. The final dress  was a white plain dress with what seemed like a cape of red fabric on the back a sides. "What I am going to do?" I spoke into the air. I decided to reason through this logically. I didn't like sparkly dresses so that one was gone. The red dress was to short for my liking so in the end I had to wear the red and white dress. If you didn't already figure it out I was going to a senior Christmas party.

     As I walked in the party 20 minutes later it looked like Christmas exploded. There was tinsel everywhere, a huge tree, lights but only one mistletoe. As I was looking around someone walked behind me and covered my eyes. "Guess who?" they spoke. "Hmm is it you Jack?" "How did you guess?" asked Jack. "Cause your the only one that does that to me."

      Jack had been my friend since college started but last week we became Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Nothing really changed between us though. We had always hugged and held hands. We hadn't kissed yet because the perfect time hadn't happened yet.

     Jack looked dashing in his suit and tie. He held out a holly corsage to me and said " A beautiful corsage for a beautiful lady." "You're to kind," I spoke back as he slipped the corsage on my wrist. "May I be honored with a dance?" With that statement I grabbed his hand and we danced together to the dance floor.

        Jack had this tough look to him when in reality he was teddy bear. Even before we were friends he would always complement me about something. He said hi to everyone in the hallway even if they had never met.

      After dancing everyone gathered around to talk and chat. Sydney my best friend pulled me off to the side and we laughed and giggled together. Sydney suddenly said " Hey there is Jack. Why don't you go talk to him?" I walked over to the doorway Jack was leaning on. For some reason everyone looked above us and started laughing. "Kiss,Kiss," everyone shouted. I looked up and saw that we were under the mistletoe. "They set us up," I whispered to Jack. I thought this seemed like the perfect moment to have our first kiss so we did it. I was magical and I knew Christmas Eve would always be special to us.

2 years later Christmas Eve

       Jack was taking me out again, like he always did. I heard a knock on my door and quickly threw on my coat before opening the door. As expected it was Jack, he had this adorable smile on his face. I couldn't help myself I just went up and kissed him. The kiss turned from 30 seconds to a full on make out before I finally pulled away to catch my breath. Jack then grabbed my hand and said " Come on," pulling me with him.

        As we ran down the stairs of my apartment building laughing. Jack reached  the car first, he opened my door just like the gentlemen he is. He got in next to me and we were off. First stop was Central Park. The park looked beautiful with the light brushing of snow. We walked around the park laughing and talking just like a real couple. I thought back to last year.

        I couldn't wait to see Jack tonight. He was picking me up in 1 hour. As I walked in my apartment I was stunned there was greenery everywhere, mounds of cookie and standing in the middle of it all was Jack.

       He had always been so sweet to me and I loved him with all my heart. Something was going on tonight though, he was nervous about something. What, I had no idea. After our walk around the park we grabbed dinner from a nearby pizzeria. "Jack," I asked, "What's wrong?"

   "Nothing at all. Why would you think that."

    "You just seemed a little nervous is all."

      "Yeah, that you won't say yes," he mumbled under his breath. I choose to ignore what he said. After dinner we went ice skating. We skated to the middle of the rink when Jack spoke" Kate let's stay here for a minute."

     "Okay," I agreed. Jack got down on one knee and I realized what this meant. I started crying tears of joy.

     "Kate," began Jack, " You are an amazing person. You are kind, considering, caring and loving. You are an angel from heaven. You are perfect and I love every part of you. I have loved since I laid my eyes on you. Will you do me the honor in becoming my wife?"


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what did you think? This story idea cam to me randomly and I thought it would be a perfect story for the holiday. Thanks to all my friends and family who made this possible. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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