I looked at him and leaned over to kiss him. "I can help you. I wouldn't mind."

"I know." He said smiling at me.

I yawned and laid my head on Kyle's chest. Next thing I know, I woke with a start at the sound of a loud beeping. I looked over and grabbed the thing that was beeping and trew it across the room.

"What the-"

I looked over at the bathroom door and seen Kyle standing there with a toothbrush in his hands. I didn't even realize that he wasn't next to me. I looked at the thing on the floor, broken, and realized it was an alarm clock.I looked back at Kyle and said, "Whoops. I didn't know what it was and it kinda scared me."

He was still standing there with his eyebrows raised and the toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"You killed my alarm clock." He said.

"Yeah. Well it almost killed my ears." I replied back.

He laughed at that and walked back into the bathroom.

I grabbed his robe and wrapped it around me and walked into his bathroom. He looked at me when I walked in. "I need a shower."

He gestured towards the showere with his hand. "Can we skip today?" I asked him.

"Um. Lucy. School's kind of important right now." He said.

"Fine. But your taking me to my house so I can get clothes." I said while I turned the shower on, dropped the robe to the floor, and got in the shower.

"Yes ma'm." He replied saluting me.

I laughed and let the hot water hit me.


"Do you want me to come in with you?" Kyle asked me as he stopped in front of my house.

I looked at him and said, "No. I'm just going to get clothes and I'll be out." I got out of his jeep and went inside.

I went to my room and grabbed the little clothes I had. I walked upstairs and was greeted by Terry. "You leaving?"

"Yeah." I replied back. And then I pushed past her and through the door.

I sat back in the jeep and threw my bag in the backseat.

"Thats all you have?" Kyle asked me and looked back at my bag.

I looked back at it too and said,"Yeah. For now anyways. I'll just get the rest of it when we get Joseph."

He nodded his head and pulled away from my old house and almost leaving behind my old life.


School went by miserably slow. I just wanted to leave and every time I looked at the clock to see how much time we had left of class and the day, time seemed to rewind. I was miserable and I just wanted this afternoon over with.

Finally the bell rang. I was just going to go to sleep when I got home. I feel like i've had such a hard day. My teachers even noticed my lazyness and kept picking me to answer questions which really pissed me off.

I walked to the student parking lot and towards Kyles jeep where he was talking to someone. As I got closer I noticed it was a girl. And not just any girl but Mary. I walked closer and I heard bits and peices of their conversation.

"Are you going to the party?" Mary asked Kyle in a flirty way.

"I don't know. Im really not in the mood." He said, bored.

"Oh, well you should deff-"

I cut her off. "Hey Kyle." I said with a smile. "Mary." I frowned at her.

Mary scowled at me and I ignored her. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Kyle.

"Yeah." He said. "I'll talk to you later Mary."

She rolled her eyes and just walked away.

We got in the jeep and were pulling out and asked,"What did she want?"

"Bragging about the party she's having and asking if I was going to go."

"Well. Are you?"

"Gonna go? No. We have a pack meeting."

"Oh. Okay."

With that, we were silent for the rest of the way home.


We got inside and we went up to Kyles room or our room. I flew on our bed and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Changing." He said, taking his shirt off.

"Are you going to come lay down with me?" I asked in a flirtatious way.

He looked at me and said, "No. I have alot of work to do."

"Okay. Well. Im going to lay down for a bit but when I wake up, do you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Not tonight. I haven't done anything in a couple days and I really need to get it done. But feel free too make yourself whatever you want. My parents are out of town so my mom's not going to be making anything."


He came over to me and leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. Then he walked out the door and shut it and I fell asleep.


Author's Note:

I need comments, fans, and votoes. So if your really liking this story please tell me.

Also, Im going to try and upload everyday day or at least every otheer day but if I dont, Ill get to it as soon as I can.

Thanks so much to the people who are readingand enjoying my story. I really appreciate it(:


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