Chapter Seven

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It's me. I'm writing an authors note for the first time. I wanted to tell you guys that enable for me to keep posting, I need you guys to comment and tell me if you like it or not (and be nice about it. lol) But im not sure if your liking my story and if your not then theres no need for me to keep posting right? Anyways, just give me feedback about the story.

Note... It is my very first one I have ever written.

Thanks & lot's of love



We pulled into the parking lot of a deli called Washington St. Deli. We got out of the jeep and walked in. When I looked around, there were only a few people sitting at tables. It had a cozy feel to it. I smiled at how comfortable I felt here.

We walked to a table in the corner near a window and a waitress came walking towards us and smiled at Kyle.

"Back again so soon Kyle?" The waitress said teasingly.

"Haha. Yeah. We needed a break from the school lunches." He said politley, gesturing towards me.

The waitress looked over and looked kind of shocked, like she just realized I was sitting there.

"Well. Can I get you guys something to drink to start off with?" She asked smiling at Kyle the whole time.

"I'll take my usual." He said.

"Black coffee it is." She smiled even brighter at him. "How about you?" She said, turning towards me.

"Um. Iced tea is fine." I said a little awkwardly.

She wrote our orders down and walked away giving Kyle one last smile. I watched her with a  dumbfounded look on my face and Kyle must have noticed my shocked expression because he said, "I come in here alot. Actually almost everday. It's my get-away restraunt."

He laughed at my expression and said, "What? You don't have a favorite restraunt?"

"Um. No. I don't go out."

He looked shocked and said, "Never?"

"Nope." I said staring at his shocked expression. I laughed quietly.

I changed the subject and asked, "Why did you want to talk to me?"

The waitress came back with our drinks at that moment and he just stared at me while she put the drinks down. "Are yoou ready to order?" She asked.

Crap. I didn't even look at the menu yet.

"I'll take the ham sandwhich and she'll take the chicken salad with ranch on the side." He told the waitress.

She wrote it down on her pad and walked away,

Once again I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. The salad actually sounded good. How did he know that though?

He took a drink of his coffe and set it down and looked at me. "I want you to meet my family." He said out of nowhere and as if it was normal conversation to have with someone you barely knew.

"Ha." I said. "Why would I meet your family? I barely even know you."

"Lucy." He said, getting angry. "This is not a joking matter."

I felt my eyebrows go up in a questioning look.

What was he talking about? I wasn't joking around. Was I? Why would I just go meet his family though?

He looked at me pleadingly and said more calmly, "Lucy. My family could help you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked getting aggravated.

"I know what you are Lucy. I'm also a wolf. Why do you think you feel the way you do about me? We're meant to be together Lucy. I know you don't  have anyone and my family can help." He said pleading with me.

My jaw just dropped. He knew about me? He was just like me? "It was you. In the forest when I went for my run that night. It was you." I said finally understanding.

"Yes, Lucy. It was me and my pack. There are alot just like us." He said quietly so no one in the deli could hear us.

The waitress chose that moment to bring our food. Bad timing man. She set our plates down and asked if we wanted anything else. Kyle told her no and she smiled and walked away.

I looked at Kyle and just stared into his eyes. My head was spinning. I didn't know what to think. I didn't even know what to do.

"I can't deal with this." I said, getting frustrated.

My head was starting to hurt and I could feel myself shaking.

Kyle gave me a pleading look and I stared at him. I felt something fall onto my hand and realized that I was crying.

"How could you throw all this at me now?" I said, getting angry.

"What do you think I've been doing Lucy?" He said gaining volume in his voice. "I've been trying to talk to you sense your first day."

I put my head down realizing he was speaking the truth. He had been on my case about wanting to talk to me sense I moved here but I pushed him away when I should have listened to him.

"I was scared." I whispered almost inaudibly. "I didn't know what had happened to me."

He grabbed my hand and said, "I know Lucy. It's partly my fault. My parents told me to push harder and I didn't listen to them."

I looked at him with shock written all over my face. "You told your parents about me?" I asked, a little suprised.

"Well, yeah. My dad was the old alpha so I went to him cause I knew he would know what to do sense I havent had experience in this depatment." He laughed a little.

"Old alpha?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He said giving me a knowing look. "You know. Pack leader? He retired and I took his spot."

 "Wait." I said getting confused. "Your alpha now?"

"Yeah." He said questioningly. "Listen. I think we should talk at my house. That way you can ask all the questions you want."

He looked at me waiting for me to agree.

I looked down and realized we hadn't touched our food. "What about our food? And school?" I asked.

"We'll  take the food with us and we can skip a day of school." He explained.

He got us boxes to put our food in and paid the bill and then we started walking to his jeep. He grabbed my hand and I felt the sparks and heat rise all through my body. He looked down at me and smiled and I did the same.

His smile was so gorgous. How could he be mine? How was I lucky to have someone like him?  My grin grew even bigger as I was thinking those thoughts.

I was falling in love with Kyle and I realized I was okay with it.


End of that chapter.

Now guys... Dont forget to comment. I'd love to hear some feedback(:


My Life As Lucy Porter (Werewolf Romance&lt;3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat