Chapter Six

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I was sitting at lunch with the group and just thinking about everything that has happened in the last few days sense i've started school here.

Kyle has tried to talk to me a few times but i ignored him. I felt like we were getting closer and it scared me. It scared me that things were happening between us and I didn't know what.

"Lucy." Leslie said to me shaking me out of my thoughts. "Time to go to class."

Huh. I must have been so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice the bell. "Sorry. I wasn't really paying attention." I said.

"It's fine." She laughed quietly.

Leslie kissed Adam bye and we started walking too class. We were walking in silence when Kyle came up to us and said, "Lucy, can we talk?"

I was so shocked and I really didn't want to speak to him right now. I said, "I need to get to class."

He stopped and both Leslie and I stopped too. "We can skip. I really need to talk to you."

"I don't want to miss class. We can talk later." I said, getting annoyed. Then Leslie and I walked into class and sat down before the bell rang.

"Why didn't you go with him?" Leslie whispered

"I didn't feel like it." I whispered back.

"Nobody turns Kyle down."

"Well i did. I didn't want to talk to him."

She was quiet after that and I kind of know I upset her a little because I wasn't talking to her but I really didn't want to explain things and I didn't know how.


I decided to go for a run after school. I could feel my wolf craving it. I knew I was going to get into trouble for doing it but I really didn't care at this point. I've been so stressed and I just needed a break.

I went to the woods that I went to the other day. I knew those woods well so I thought it was the best option.

I took my clothes off and put them under a log. I turned so naturally it seemed like i've done it a million times before instead of just one. I felt free for once in a long time. I loved this feeling. I wanted to stay like this forever.

I was running around when I smelled something. I stopped in my tracks and sniffed again. I looked around and seen a pitch black wolf standing there looking at me. He was huge and beautiful. I stared at him and recognized his smell but i couldn't place it. He stared at me and I stared back. Then a whole bunch of wolves stepped behind him and I ran.

I didn't stop until i was near my clothes and the whole time I was running back, I couldn't stop thinking there was more like me. There was like 8 other wolves that stepped behind the big black one. I didn't know what to think right now. I ran home and went straight to my room. I didn't feel like dealing with Terry and Bob. I was way to exhausted for that. I took a shower and let the warm water hit me for awhile. I got out and went to my bed and just slept. I actually slept pretty good for once.


In the morning I woke up and once again I woke up late. I had to hurry and get ready and then leave and run to school. When I got to school, I wasn't even breathless. I loved this new thing ive become. It made me smile as I was walking up the steps to the school. I was almost to the doors when I fell on my face. "What the..."

"Whoops. Sorry." Mary said a little to sweetly. "I didn't see you there."

I got up and was shaking with anger. "Of course you didn't!" I yelled. I went to go after her and push her or something but Courtney grabbed me just then. I was about to push her but then she said my name and I calmed down. I turned and looked at her and she nodded her head. I realized everyone was watching and I walked with her into the school.

"What happened back there?" she whispered.

"She just made me angry. I just couldn't control my anger." I said with disappointment in my voice. I felt so ashamed of myself. I've never done anything like that before.

"I get that but your eyes just seemed like you were more than just angry. What would you have done if I didn't show up?" She said with annoyance in her voice.

Why was she getting angry at me? I didn't do anything. Sure, If it wasn't for her, I would probably have been in alot of trouble right now but hey, it was totally Mary's fault. I was getting annoyed and said, "I don't know. I was just going to push her."

She gave me a sympathetic look and said, "I'm sorry Lucy. I know she's annoying. Be careful okay?"

I looked at her and seen that she was being serious so i said okay and then she hugged me and we went to our classes.

I was sitting next to Kyle doing my best to avoid contact when a peice of paper was put on my notebook. I looked over at Kyle and he was looking at me. He nodded towards the note and i looked at the note and then back towards him and then back at the note.

I picked up the peice of paper and unfolded it and read it. The note said...

Go somewhere with me after school. I really need to talk to you. It's improtant.

I looked at him and shook my head.

He looked disappointed and mouthed "please."

I mouthed back "I can't."

I turned around and listened to the teacher talk about something that I was only half listening to. My whole body was screaming to go with him. Maybe I should just agree to see what he has to say. I was so confused.


I was sitting at the desk waiting for Kyle to pack his things up. He finished and sat back up straight and was shocked to find me still sitting there. I looked at him and said, "I agree to talk to you but it has to be during lunch. I can't miss school and I can't talk after school."

He agreed and said he'd see me at lunch.


The bell rang for lunch and my stomach had butterflies. I don't know why I was so nervous but I was. I was walking to my locker and Kyle was leaning against it and talking to some other guy.

"Totally. I'll be there tonight." I heard him laugh and say to the guy he was talking to.

"Okay. I'll see you there." Kyles freind said to him and nodded at me and then jogged away.

I turned around and looked at his disappearing figure. Then I turned back and looked at Kyle. He was staring down at me with those beautiful eyes. He smiled and said, "You ready?"

"Yeah. But where are we going?" I asked.

"I thought we would go off campus and get lunch."

"Are you serious? Are we aloud?"

he laughed and said, "Well, I am."

I must have looked shocked because he grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the door and I felt tingles and heat go all the way up my arm and down to my feet. He felt it to. I could tell because of his smile. I smiled to and walked to his jeep with him holding my hand.

My Life As Lucy Porter (Werewolf Romance<3)Where stories live. Discover now