Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 1 - Page 5 part two]

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When Rue was out of sight, she sighed in relief. Ryuzaki and Rue are total opposites, and she wondered how they became twins. Shaking her head, she unfolded the crane and read the small message.

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than dreams.


P.S. I never slept.

"Wow, that's one corny line." She muttered to herself. It was really corny, and she can't help but grin at that idea. It wasn't like Ryuzaki either, but even the ugliest chest contains treasures. Maybe it will be fun to unravel the panda-looking man and discover more wonderful traits . Oh well.

She rounded on the corner, and when she was now face to face with the library door, her heart pounded loudly inside her chest. Ryuzaki is already inside, she's confident with that. Her hands shook slightly as she reach for the doorknob. When her skin made contact with the rusty handle, Amaryllis decided that this is now or never. After taking a deep breath, she twisted the knob and pushed the door.

Ryuzaki is out of sight...again. Amaryllis began doubting at this rate, but then her eyes caught the small paper and a red box on the table. She picked the note and read it hurriedly.

I'm sorry for all those cliched things I've prepared for you

It was the end of the note, and she felt that she was left at the edge. Now what?

She suddenly thought that this was just a prank when soft arms encircled her and embraced her lithe frame in a gentle manner.

"I...I'm sorry, Amy-chan..."

"Why are you apologizing?" 

"W-Well, all of my preparations... I don't think they appeal to you at the very least." He leaned his head against her shoulder, a small sign of defeat.

Amaryllis broke from his embrace and looked at his eyes. His midnight orbs held sadness that made her heart clench in guilt. In all honesty, it wasn't like that. She appreciated every little thing Ryuzaki do for her, especially today.

Carefully, she ran her fingers on the surface of his pallid cheek, and automatically, he looked at her with the same sad eyes. She felt the sorrow, and was determined to wash away the negativity in those beautiful pair of ebony eyes.

"Do you really think that those corny notes are something to be ignored?" She asked gently, a small smile once again in her features.

"Uhmm...I don't know-!"

Ryuzaki was silenced when Amaryllis decided to cut off his ignorance with a quick kiss. He was left staring in space after the swift loss of contact, and it took his brain 3.41 seconds to register reality again.





"Do...Do you mind if we proceed now?"

"Not at all."

Ryuzaki smiled and motioned the chair so she can sit properly. Once she was comfortable, he wrapped his lanky arms around her shoulders, and whispered shyly to open the red box.

Amaryllis gasped when she saw the content of the box.

"This...this is the...the.."

"Yes." He softly reached for the silver lace and delicately placed it around her neck. "This is the necklace we saw yesterday."


The clasping of silver reached her ears, and she turned around quietly to face him, unsure what to say next. Ryuzaki looked at her expectantly, a small smile in his pallid but oh-so-sweet lips, his cheeks dusted with red, and his eyes now shone with bliss.


Before, when Amaryllis was being courted by Light, everytime he gave her gifts, she'll hug and kiss him and tell him a thousand thank-you. She'll keep the gift and cherish it in her heart.

But now that they are separated, it seems like those gifts are nothing but mere everyday objects, alongside with their love left behind by change.

The necklace she adore ever since she was thirteen years old; Light nor her parents bought it for her. She knew it was expensive, and even a year of allowance won't suffice to buy it. So instead of wanting it, she started disregarding the item. It wasn't worth her time and effort anyway.

Now that she's wearing the object she desired for a long time, she felt like crying.



Amaryllis blinked repeatedly, tears forming in her eyes. She shook her head in annoyance; why does she have to cry -again- now? Without a word, she rose from her seat and hug Ryuzaki tightly, her guard finally collapsing. She cried shamelessly in his shoulder without breaking her contact with his body.

Ryuzaki smiled and rubbed her back smoothly, calming her effectively. He never thought that his gift  would make her cry, but it only meant that he made her happy.


She pulled back at the mentioning of her name, and both of them gaze at each other's eyes. Amaryllis smiled this time, her happiness turned out uncontrollable. Ryuzaki extended his pale thumb and gently brushed away the tears blurring her vision, the gesture making the lady blush.




He opened his mouth to speak again, but no words came out. He closed it again, his blush reaching his ears.


"I love you too."

The raven-haired man shot his eyes up, shocked by how Amaryllis was able to understand him. He leaned closer slowly and pressed their foreheads together, both of their eyes meeting once again.

When companiable descended, he closed the gap between their lips and finally claimed her mouth with his own.

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