"Sometimes I worry about you" Cam told him

"No need to worry, I only ate the lead off my crib once" He joked

"and only got dropped on his head 7 times" Hadley joined in. I felt at home with these people I thought as Dominic and Hadley went back and forth.


Only one more hour of the day left to go I thought as exited study hall which I had to say was very helpful since I got all of my homework from the other hours done. I walked into Mrs. Shelly class and saw Dominic and Gabi in the back. I quickly walked down the aisle and sat next to them.

"Missed me?" Dominic asked

"I almost died of not seeing you for two hours " I replied pouting

"Oh baby never leave me again" He gave a smile

"What am I chopped liver?" Gabi remarked getting her two cents in

"No, dog shit" I muttered as the rang. Dominic started coughing to hide his laughing.

"Good Afternoon Class. Today's lecture is about fairies" Mrs. Shelly sung out as she walked to the whiteboard. I cut a glance to Gabi and all she gave me the cuckoo sign. Fairies are a subject usually nobody talks about. Just then the door burst open as Ethan came walking in with two boys. I recognized the boys as the ones who were fighting earlier. What did Gabi say there names were, Chase and Riley I think. Mrs. Shelly pointed to seats in the front and got back to teaching.

"Now, fairies are an extinct species. They were wiped out by werewolves in a huge war that the humans call World War 1. However some scholars believe that there are still traces of fairy in people today due to mixed marriages and people hiding the fairies." She said writing on the board. Once she moved away it read Research paper.

"Everyone has to write a paper.. Everyday you will have time in class to work on it. However we will also learn about vampire, werewolf, and shape shifter history in the next 5 to 7 weeks. Once we reach a species you want to write the paper on you can start writing on it. Don't forget to look online and in library the school provides. In about 9 weeks is when the paper is dued." She explained. After her big rant she got back to explaining how we covered up the war.

Once the class ended, Gabi and I parted ways with Dominic and headed back to our dorm.

"We are heading into town in about an hour so go changed and do whatever you need to" Gabi told me going into her room. Once in my room I changed my clothes into white shorts and a blue floral printed two fingered strapped tank top. I also put on my sparkle copper gladiator shoes. I went into my desk drawer and grabbed my phone out. I saw I had a text from my father.

Behave. Remember you are a Dorchester. -Father

Close enough I thought. My father doesn't really know how to express himself.

"Gabi, will you text me the numbers of Dominic, Cam, and Hadley along with yours? My number is xxx-xxxx" I said in normal voice. One minute later I had a text from her. After I added everyone to my phone I texted them explaining that it was me.

I knocked on Gabi's door. "Come in" Gabi called. "I'm ready" I told her as I walked in. Gabi had changed into a cute white summer dress.

"Adorable" I told her

"Tell me more" She laughed as she grabbed her bag and pulled me out of her room

"Your head already seems big enough" I giggled and leaded her to the parking lot.

"Sooooo" I eyed her. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised

"Who do you like, Cam or Dominic?"

"Wh..what are you saying...I..I....don't like either of them" She stammered out

"Dominic. I bet you 10 dollars it is him" I told her

"It is him what?" A voice behind me called out. I jumped slightly

"Are you driving?" I asked Dominic

"I guess" He replied

"You can drive my car. It is the black charger" I pointed

"No shit" Cameron yelled out as he came down the walk way. Hadley was with him. I handed Dominic the key and he practically sprinted there. I gave a smile about happy that car made him. My phone beep with a incoming text.

Anything you prefer for your birthday? -Father

I gave a smile and sent a quick text back.

How about a red 2015 Mustang GT? Please. Love Lily

I hopped in the back of the charger and we drove into town.

"Where to first?" Dominic asked

"Strip club" Cameron called out which I rolled my eyes to.

"Mall" Gabi said

"My car bitches, we should go to the bookstore" I clapped my hands together. I always need more books.

"True" Dominic agreed doing a U-turn and pulling up to the bookstore. I sprinted inside. I smiled as I saw all these books. I am so glad I got my allowance yesterday. My phone gave a whistle with an incoming text.

We will be in the video store next door. You know you look like a 5 year old on Christmas. lol -Dominic

In the next 20 minutes I managed to find 13 books which came to a total of 167.99 dollars. Once I paid I went outside and met the group.

"Damn, you bought al those books" Cameron asked. I nodded and was about to speak until I was cut off when Hadley dropped to the ground. I give a scream as she started to seize.

"What's happening!?" I screamed gripping Gabi.

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