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  • Dedicated to Desiree Zhuk

Tutankhamen walked down the open halls, anxious about his decisions. His most proficient advisor told him that death would bring unnatural riches to him, and his afterlife would be excellent and prosperous.Is he correct?Can I trust him? Tutankhamen thought. His advisor warned him that life on Earth is painful and may not last long, and he was bound to die eventually. The omens told him to take the risk. The moon was full, and the night was silent. Dead. Tutankhamen raised two fingers. His personal assistant appeared quick. Tutankhamen whispered something into his ear. The assistant looked reluctant. Nevertheless, he left the room to carry out the king’s needs. Tutankhamen’s personal assistant came back in, with what looked to be a heavy iron rod. Tutankhamen nodded his head and the man raised the rod above his head and swung down on the back of Tutankhamen’s head.

    The sensation of death hurt- but only for the smallest second. Tutankhamen felt reborn as he traversed the large tunnel, heading towards a light he saw in the distance. Though Tutankhamen knew the trip was short, it felt like eternity to him. He contemplated what would happen next. Surely I will reach Osiris, and be judged for my afterlife. All of a sudden, a figure crashed into Tutankhamen, tackling him to the side. The strong arms holding on to him as he flew through the tunnel didn’t release, no matter how much he struggled. Just before he reached the light, the figure steered him to the left. Tutankhamen braced for a crash, but it never came. He opened his eyes, and almost immediately blacked out.

    The room he was in shined with brightness. It was filled with light and warmth, but Tutankhamen felt empty. “Hello?”,he called out. The noise echoed through the walls. He felt unsafe and lonely. Tutankhamen stood up, and took in his surroundings. The walls were windowless, but Tutankhamen could barely make the outline of a white door, bright as the walls. Tutankhamen took one step towards the door. The door opened abruptly. Tutankhamen froze. He saw a god-like figure walking up to him.Osiris? He thought. He realized that this man couldn't  be Osiris. "Who are you?" Tutankhamen asked.

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