I walked in the building and followed the signs for the administrative office, halfway there my brother caught up with me. He was still eating breakfast and had clearly rushed here, as his hair was a mess. I laughed at his appearance while he scowled back at me and attempted to fix his hair.

We reached the Principal’s office just as the bell rung. He was expecting us and quickly ushered us into to chairs seated across from his desk.

“So glad you could join us this year!” He said, not sounding as enthusiastic as his words might have conveyed.

“Glad to be here.” Josh answered, matching the Principals tone of voice.

“ Well then,” Principal Lions—as I figured out from the nameplate on his desk--said as he cleared his throat. “Call me Mr. Lions. Welcome to East Ridge High. Here are you schedules and maps of the school. There are four main buildings on campus: Everett, Barkhurst, Edwards, and Vaughn. Most of you classes will take place in those buildings except for electives.” I looked down at my papers and tried to absorb all the information.

 “Ahh, I see you have chosen shop class” Principal Lions continued, talking only to Josh at this point, “That will be in the Maker Lab located between the Everett building and the football field.” Josh shook his head and looked down at his paper.

“Ms. Peterson, I see you have signed up for Advanced Vocal Ensemble, quite a difficult class if I do say so myself.” He said, ”It will be in the Jacobs Art Center next to the student parking lot. You probably passed it on your way in today.”

“Great,” I said, hoping he would talk a little less.

“Well off to class with you,” Mr. Lions said, ushering us out the door, and slamming the door behind us. Weird little man.

“I have Math first, what about you?” Josh asked me.

I looked down at the sheet of paper in my hands. There were little sweat marks from where I had been holding it. Wow, I didn’t realize I had been sweating, I must be nervous. As if on cue I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. “Umm, science.” I responded, hoping Josh wouldn’t notice how nervous I was and go into overprotective brother mode.

“Well, see you at lunch.” He said as he walked off down the hall.

I watched him go before I started off in the other direction. I climbed the stairs and started looking for room 218. I could see teachers lecturing or writing on white boards through the small window of each classroom I passed. Finally I reached room 218. I opened the door and the entire room hushed. I could see two boys in the back leaning across the aisle looking at me and whispering, they fist bumped and chucked after the leaned apart. I blushed.

“Umm, is this Honors Physics?” I asked the teacher, trying to hide my now bright red cheeks behind my long dark hair.

“Yes it is. You must be the new student.” She said enthusiastically. She looked down at some papers on her desk. “Ah, you must be Mia!” I nodded my head. “I’m Ms. Guillen. Why don’t you take a seat back there next to Liam.”

I looked to where she was pointing and saw the boy from before. I walked between the tables. They weren’t so much desks as they were lab tables, each sitting two people. And I was sharing mine with Liam.

“Now class,” Ms, Guillen said, obviously continuing her lecture from before I arrived. “You will be making a Rube Goldberg machine to show in class.”

She started walking down the room passing out the papers, “You will be completing this project in partners.” As soon as she said that you could here people whispering to each other, trying not to be the last one to have a partner.

Letters to Liam (One Direction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя