Maria Brings Back the Light

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-Well after looking at the damage done to the floor from me getting dropped, and the walls from Dustin using us as ragdolls, if Ray has more guys like that we're gonna need either bigger guys or more chairs, I don't need to think about that now I gotta make sure Amaya isn't dead in a corner-

Maria, where are you and is Amaya still with us?!

[We're back here!]

Why are you two behind a curtain and why is Amaya tied to a railing... did I walk in on something?

[No, but we are gonna need a cage.]

What are you planning to do with her that needs me to get a cage?

[Caged dancer, do you know anything about this kind of stuff?]

Not at all, I just know there are plenty of lonely guys that have nothing better to do than watch girls dance naked on a stage get drunk and get thrown out five minutes later.

[Your a disgusting guy at times you know that?]

I know  I am, and I'll be the first to tell you I hate who I am and the only person who understood me and actually made me feel like I could be better is with an old man that will regret messing with his own creation.

[I don't care, honestly whoever that person is obviously hasn't known a decent individual in their life.]

-Right then I hear a memory I forgot all about, weird right, it was maybe two months after Jessica Marissa and Emily had lived with us-

Are you sure Emily, I don't think I can really be a good guy, besides dad says the good guys always lose.

<That's just cause he's a bad guy, like the movies every bad guy can win until that one person finally stands up to him and finally beats him!>

But why would I be that guy, he's my dad he wouldn't do anything bad to me.

{Alex where are you, I need a small person to fit in the vent of tonight jewelery store!}

<Is that something good he'd do for you?>

Ok I know what your saying but why am I the one to take him down, why don't you do it?

<Because the good guy always has a hot girl as his back up, duh!>

Wait I get a hot sidekick, who would it be?

<I know your the good guy, but that doesn't mean I don't hate you sometimes you know.>

I know, besides I'd be a really lucky hero to have you by my side.

<You wish you could have this!>

-Man we laughed so hard after she said that, but I will never forget that moment-

Maria I will tell you this only once, you don't ever talk about Emily like that, I don't care if after you say it I lose you and your brother's help, cause trust me as soon as I stop Ray all of this stupid crap I'm doing will be sold to some other idiot who has no reason behind himself other than being a perverted jerk, now you can do what you want but remember as bad as I may seem, I'm fighting for not just me, but for Aaron and Marissa, for Emily, Jessica, and anyone my father has hurt, now if you'll excuse me I have to figure out my next move.

-Now it's my time to really be the good guy sure Aaron isn't a hot sidekick that Emily said I'd have, but I wouldn't want anyone one else backing me up, I was halfway through the door before Maria yelled-

[I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that but what I should say is that everyone is lucky, this Ray guy is the biggest thug mafia whatever you wanna call him, and all you have is Aaron and my brother.]

If you're saying you don't want your brother involved I understand just tell him he's only security nothing more, he'll be safe then.

[No, what I'm saying is, I'm glad he's fighting with someone who just lacks any sign of giving up or courage, though I see it as your the biggest idiot I've ever met, your intentions are greater than most other peoples.}

Thank you, now I have a plan, but I'm gonna need you and Ricky.

[If you say so.]

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