I strolled around the lake, the calm serenity of the chilly morning soothing me. As far as I could see there was hardly anyone around now. Just a few bikers I past along with joggers enjoying their morning routine exercise.

     I sat on a long log, facing the lake. I took in its beauty for several minutes, purposely giving myself some time before my thoughts eventually strayed back to Derek. He was always in my thoughts, more now then ever before. Specially after what happened last night.

     I had given into temptation and selfishly took advantage of his confusion. I shouldn't have let him go through with his plan but I was weak. How could I let something like that slip from my hands, something I've been waiting for...dreaming of for such a long time?

      How could something that feels right be so wrong?

      I must have stayed an hour on that log. In that time span I went though many types of emotion. Anger at myself for taking advantage of Derek's strange naiveness, then joy at what happened last night, then back to loathing myself for letting it happen yet not really regretting any of it. Then envy at the couples holding hands as they walked past me.

      If Derek was to hate me and never want to see me again at least I'd have a bitter sweet memory to remember him by. A moment, even just for a little while, that we had been one.

      I stood from the log, brushing the dirt from my backside. It was about time that I headed back and faced the music. There was no sense in stalling the inevitable. I should have been looking where I was going because when I turned I collided with someone.

     We both stumbled back and tripped backwards, landing flat on our butts on the dirt. The boy I had collided with groaned, rubbing his butt.

      "Ow," he hissed, "my poor butt."

      "Sorry," I said, quickly standing. I winched when I did, rubbing my own backside. "Hey, are you okay?"

      "I think so," he replied, pushing himself up halfway before I helped him. "Thanks and sorry about that. Should have watched where I was going."

      "Me too, I wasn't paying much attention either."

      "Ugh," he rubbed his butt again, "I think I better sit down before my butt falls off."

      I couldn't help but smile at the ridiculous image of his butt falling off.

      "I think I'm going to have a bruise the size of Texas on my ass by this time tomorrow," the boy grumbled, winching as he sat down on the log.

      I could have left but I felt half responsible for his bruised butt. So I sat down next to him, wanting to nurse my own soreness. We had collided pretty hard.

      "Were on your way somewhere?" I asked. "I have my cell phone with me. We can call whoever you were going to meet-"

      The boy shook his head, cutting me off. "Nah. I wasn't going to meet anyone. Actually," he looked at me, eyes twinkling with sudden amusement. "I was running from someone."

      My brows lifted.

     "It's my boyfriend," he huffed, rolling his eyes, "we got into this stupid fight so instead of arguing anymore...I ran."

      I was surprised that he said "boyfriend" instead of "girlfriend". He wasn't a girl...but he was beautiful. Dark hair, fair skin, mischievous looking sapphire eyes...this boy was unusually pretty. He could have easily been a model.

    He must have seen the surprise on my face because his eyes widened. "Oh god," he said, "please don't tell me you're one of those raise your torches and pitch forks kind of people."

High School Scandal (A BoyxBoy Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now