Very Organized Theif

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This was request by @SonicXSonica for us to watch!

But for some reason I can put the video up for you guys so if you haven't seen it you can but it won't work!

But anyway let's get started!

*Throughout the Video*

Tails: Great physics!

Knuckles: Why are there just money lying around in the house?!

Me: Where's that noise coming from?

Sonic: You're gonna get caught!

Amy: Yes! He escaped! Wait, why didn't he win?

Me: I wonder if I could do this.

Sonic: Why is there money everywhere?!

Tails: He's failing a little. *laughs*

Knuckles: It's so dark it's really creepy.

Amy: Why are the people beating him? He's just there!

Me: A what?

Knuckles: What are some of these things on that list?!

Sonic: He's failing. *laughs*

Amy: I don't think I could find these myself! They sound so weird I won't be able to know what they are!

Tails: Run away!

Me: Hahahaha XD!

Sonic: You're welcome! *shouts*


Sonic: This is cool!

Tails He seems like a awesome gamer!

Knuckles: Did he play our games? Probably did.

Amy: He's funny!

Me: Keep making videos!

That's our reaction to Very Organized Theif by markiplier!

Hope you like it Sonica! And hope you guys like it too!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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