Jealousy Isn't Just Green

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"Draco! Get your fat butt up and moving! We've got to get going or we'll miss the bloody train!" I shouted up to Draco who was still asleep in our room. I'm not sure how he can sleep in for so long, it was already ten thirty and we had half an hour to get ready and get to the blasted train!

"DRACO!!!" I shouted loudly as I stomped up the stairs in agitation.

"One more hour, Mum...." I heard him groan as I threw open our bedroom door.

He did not just call me his mother! I glared at him and turned and walked out, he could sleep for one more hour if he wanted, its not my responsibility to ensure his lazy bottom is up and at school on time. That's his responsibility. And if he wants to act like a child and think of me as his mother he's got another thing coming his way.

I turned on the spot and apparated to King's Cross and packed everything into the carriage.

I then grouchily dragged myself to the first empty compartment I could find to sit and relax.

I had fallen into a light slumber with suddenly there was a loud and ear-splitting shriek that woke me up from my mini nap.

Judging by the height of the sun in the sky, I'd have to say it was about two o'clock in the afternoon.

I pulled out my wand and slowly crept to the door and quickly flung it open, hoping to throw the attacker off before I could hex them.

What I saw was something much much worse than someone attacking another person.

Indeed, what I saw was my husband surrounded by other female students and he wasn't doing a thing about it!

I growled loudly, but remained unheard and unseen by both my husband and his floozies. So, I marched right up to him, pushing the other girls out of my way and grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down and smacked a great big kiss on his lips.

He immediately melted into it and pulled me closer. I smirked, Isabella one, Floozies zero.

"DRAKEY POO!! DONT WORRY, I'LL SAVE YOU FROM THAT SCUM!" came the shrill cry of, you guessed it, Pansy bleeding Parkinson.

Draco stiffened and pushed me behind him in a protective stance.

I rolled my eyes and pushed back to face this ridiculous pug. "And you are?" I asked, twirling a piece of my long hair around in my right hand.

"I'm Draco's fiance!" She said smugly, attempting to one-up me.

"Really? I don't believe you. And, the reason? It's simple really, I'm his wife." I smirked at her.

She gasped and promptly fainted. Well, that was antclimatic.

I then turned to the girls who had once again flocked to Draco, although they put some space between themselves and him once they heard about our relationship status.

I hexed them all. Changing everything from their skin to their tongues an array of colours, and this wasn't a short spell, it was long lasting.

Who said jealousy could only be green?

**Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter is a little shorter than my usual lengths. I've just been a little under duress with some personal problems. Just hang in there, please guys! Next chapter we'll be at Hogwarts and an unusual announcement will be made. Thanks guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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