But what if. I mean, I haven't been on a date in a while. Maybe if it works well I could date this mystery man.





No! I have to stop this thinking. I'm crazy. It's official. Ahg! I'll just have to go to bed and rest on it. I'll just forget it tomorrow and live it like any other day.

You stand up and head to your bedroom with a grin on your face. P/N stands up and trots after you wagging it's tail. You get changed into your favorite pajamas and hop in bed.

Oh am I excited for tomorrow. Especially excited for this man I will meet.

<Your House>
Your POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

You wake up to the sound of the alarm and roll over and turn it off. You sit up with a smile on your face, ready for the day. Stepping off of the bed, you are greeted by some slobbery kisses from P/N. You yawn.

Man, I swear my yawns sound like an exorcism is taking place.

You walk over to your closet and throw the doors open.

"What should I wear today?" You ask aloud even though there is no one to answer you.

You choose a red sweater, black skinny jeans, and some boots. You set the clothes out for you as you hop in the shower.

"I'mmmmmm gonna swingggggg from the chandelier!!! From the chandelier!!!!" You are singing along to your all time favorite song, Chandelier.

After your mini concert in the shower, you step out and get dressed in the cute outfit you chose.

"Time to look beautiful!" You say aloud as you hum and dance to the music you play in the morning.

I feel bad for my neighbors, hearing me jam out every morning to my music. I mean my music is pretty fabulous, but I don't think my voice is as fabulous.

You dance into the bathroom and blow dry your H/C  hair.

"What should I do with my hair today? Ooh! I know!"

You take your beautiful hair and put it in a H/S. Perfect. You prance over to your makeup collection and decide on what to do. You hold a mirror and look at your E/C eyes.

"What will make these pop?" You scan your makeup pallets. "Ah-Hah!" You grab a black eyeliner and lightly outline your eyes. After that is perfected, you added some mascara.

You look up into the big mirror and smile. Beautiful.

Everyone says I'm cocky with my looks, but I don't really care. I love the way I look, and they should love the way they look.

You walk back out into your bedroom towards your stereo and turn off the music. You gesture for P/N to follow you out of the room. Walking into the kitchen, you see the last donut of the dozen.

Grinning widely, you walk over and snatch the donut. As you eat your donut you head to the cupboard where you keep your precious tea. As you're making you're tea you decide to ponder.

I can't believe I was so sad yesterday. I am positive that RFN is in a better place now. Sure, it was a tragic death, but she doesn't have to deal with any of her trials now. I will find your killer, RFN. I will make sure he pays the crime he committed.

After your long pondering moment, you glance at the clock on the stove to learn that it is 8:55 in the morning.

"I'm going to be late!" You abandon your tea and say your goodbyes to P/N and dash out the door to 221B Baker Street.

<221B Baker Street>
Your POV

You walk up to the door, happy as ever, and knock. You hear some shuffling and arguing inside, but eventually the door opens and there stands a middle aged man who is a bit taller than you.

"Uh, hi... My name is Y/N and Mr. Lestrade told me to be here at 9 to consult with someone about RFN's murder." Oh dang I sound confident. I didn't even sniffle talking about RFN.

"Oh, yes. I am John, John Watson. Right this way." He smiles and guides you inside 221B and up a flight of stairs into a living room. He makes me some tea and he pulls me out a chair and we sit and chat.

"So..." I ask, "are you the consulting detective I've been told about?"

"Oh no," he replies, chuckling, "Sherlock Holmes is the consulting detective. Let's just say he is very slow when it comes to getting ready." He chuckles again. I wonder what he means by that?

I hear a door open and close to the left of me as I sip my tea. I don't bother to look.

"Oh, here's Sherlock." John says.

"Hello, Ms. L/N. I am Sherlock Holmes." He reaches out a hand and you put your tea down.

I look up at Sherlock to finally see this mystery man.




He's Amazing.


Hey guys! So here is another chapter! 1421 words this time!! Not including authors note. I hope you guys are enjoying this! Please leave feedback. Thanks! (:

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