The Accident

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I decided that maybe I should head over to the Starbucks on Main Street. I was hungry and thought that maybe I should bring Jenna something home. So, I started my car and made my way down the street. Then, my phone starts ringing, so I answer it, having it hooked up to the car.

“Hello?” I say.

“Hey, Josh.” I smile, instantly recognizing my wife’s voice.

“Hey, honey. What’s up?”

“I just wanted to check up on you. What are you doing?”

“Nothing, really. I'm just on my way to Starbuck’s. I was gonna pick you up a coffee. Or did you want tea?”

“No, you got it right. I’ll take the coffee. You know what I like, right?”

“I think I do. Just remind me, though. So, I don't forget anything.” I reply, making a left.

“Okay. So, I like a…”

I zoned out when she started telling me. I honestly did know her coffee order. I've always known it. I just love hearing her voice, so I hold our conversations for as long as possible.

I snapped out of it, when she said, “You got it, babe?”

“Yeah. I've got it.”

“Alright. Thank you, baby.”

“No problem.”

“Tell me how your interview went, when you get home.”

“Okay. Will do.”

“Okay. Be a safe driver and put your seatbelt on.”

“Okay, babe. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”


“Bye.” She said, before hanging up.

I pulled my seatbelt across my torso, while continuing to keep my eyes on the road. There was a car accident on the main road, so I gonna have to go all the way around the other of the block. So, I turned up some music and 5 Seconds Of Summer were on. I thought that those kids were pretty cool. I hope they make it huge in the music industry. They're leaving a cool mark as a young band in the mainstream world.

I finally find the store, park my car, and get out. I make my way into the store, holding the door open for an old couple. I smile and nod at them, as they thank me. I walk in, in line behind three other people. My phone vibrates, so I check it, getting a text from my baby sister, Isabelle. She’s about to be 18 years old, so little did she know that Zac, Jon, Nate, and I were planning a surprise party for her. Her text asks me when the tour with my band, FARRO, will start. I tell her that it’ll start soon, but that I don't know yet. She sends me a sad face, telling me that she’ll miss me. I text her, letting her know that no matter the time zone, I’ll always call her every day. She sends me a smiley face, and so I send one back to her. I put my phone in my pocket, as the cashier calls me up to take my order.

“Hey, Josh. I haven’t seen you here in two weeks. I've seen your wife, but not you.”

“Yeah, you know, I've just been cooking up some new ideas for my band. So, Jenna’s been picking up the coffees for me.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Yeah, but I thought today that I’d treat her instead.”

“Okay. So, is it the usual for both you and Jenna?”

“Yes, please.” I give her the money, already knowing the usual price.

She takes it and says, “Okay. Coming right on up, so wait aside, as I take the next order.”

“Okay, thanks.” I say, before walking over to the waiting line. I decide to distract myself, while playing Candy Crush. Three minutes later, my name is called to come get my order. I put my phone in my pocket and grab the tray of drinks. “Thank you.” I say to the man who gave me my order. So, I'm looking down at the receipt, until I bump into someone and knock them over.

“Gosh, man. Watch where you’re going.” A guy says. I knocked over a girl and there was a guy with her, who was helping her up.

“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Let me get you towels.” I say, noticing how I made her spill coffee on her crop top hoody and high-waisted shorts.

I put my tray on the counter, where the napkins and straws were. So, I grab a whole bunch of napkins- probably much more than I needed- and walk back over to the two of them. She stood up, facing the guy, until she turns towards me. My heart stops and I'm stuck in my tracks, when I see who it is. It’s Hayley. My ex-bandmate, Hayley Williams.

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