Q & A Part Six

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1. How do you work on multiple stories at one time?

It's not easy, Lol. Let's say I'm working on Descendants and then I go to write a chapter for Get On Your Knees or High School Troubles, I kinda have to switch my brain from Auradon back to America. But other than that, it's actually very easy for me.

2. How do you take criticism? And do you take it well?

I don't take it well at all. I try to make each of my stories special for the people who read it. In school I actually used to get picked on quiet often for being "different". So on Wattpad I use being different to my advatange.

3. How do you get the ideas for each of your original books?

High School Troubles - It is based on my experience in High School and being a freshman. Hunter, Jake, and Lizzie are actually based in me and my friends I'm Hunter, my friend Megan is Lizzie, and Daniel is Jake.

Get On Your Knees - I love The Fosters so Much, that I actually decided I wanted to write something like it. Mine has almost the same plot to it and all. Vanessa, she is a mix of Callie and Myself. I was also a bit of a rebel, and was actually sent to detention centers because I was that out of hand.

Still I Fly - This book is actually based of a song I really love called Still I Fly - Spencer Lee.

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