Preference #48: Supernatural {Part 2}

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Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

Ashton: Ghost

For the rest of the day you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You had Goosebumps despite it being a sunny day. You looked around to see if anyone was watching you and you were right. It was Ashton, and he was creeping you out. This was your band new school – you didn't want to leave because you had a stalker. You gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him get away with it since you were the new girl. You had caught the eye of a few people throughout the day. But on the second day he watched you and the third. By Thursday you couldn't take it anymore! You walked right up to him and he looked at you with wide eyes.

"What is your problem?" you asked. Once again he resembled a goldfish. You raised your eyebrows waiting for his answer.

"You have seen me looking at you?"

"Well you haven't really been very secretive about it. You just stand there looking at me! I would be great full if you stopped. It would have been less creepy if you just came up to me and spoke but no. you have to be all stalker-y. Please stop." And with that you turned on your heal. But you couldn't help but notice the funny looks you received. Maybe Ashton was a bullied student who everyone had learnt to avoid in hopes of not being bullied also.

You hoped that telling Ashton to leave you alone would make him stop but he didn't. He was really beginning to scare you. No matter where you went he was stood there. Watching. He was at the end of the hall while you walked down. He was stood outside the bathroom when you had finished. He was sat at the lunch table next to yours. He was just always there. Watching.

"Hello," you said walking into the school councillor's room.

"Ah, hello Y/N, take a seat. Please tell me. How was your first week?" sitting down you replied,

"Well honestly... I think one of the students is stalking me. No matter where I go he's there watching me and it's scaring me."

"Tell me his name and I'll see if I can arrange a meeting with him. Maybe find out what is up,"

"I don't know his last name but his first name is Ashton,"

"Ashton?" she asked confused,

"Yeah, Ashton."

"But Y/N, There is no one called Ashton at this school..."

Michael Vampire

You still had not gone missing. But you hadn't been able to talk to Michael properly yet. You first spoke to him on Friday. The weekend stopped any further conversations. On Monday you arrived at school and scanned the hallways for him. Luckily you found him near his locker. You did feel sorry for him. If anyone got a locker near his they automatically requested to be moved leaving this hallway almost empty. Walking towards him with a stride you announced your presence with a nice,

"Hello," he rolled his eyes and looked at you.

"You were being serious when you said you were going to find things out weren't you,"

"Of course!" you sung your arms forward and then backwards behind your back interlocking your hands.

"Please go away. Y/N,"

"You know my name?" you questioned. How did he know your name? you weren't exactly popular enough for people to know your name unless they personally know you.

"I heard people talking about your imminent death. Unless there is another Y/N, that is going to die soon."

"Die?! I thought people just went missing!"

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