Camelot -Henry

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"Princess Cassandra." Cassie began trembling. She was never good at confronting a crowd, let alone a royal court(despite being a princess).

She walked down the stairs, looking for the rest of the people from Storybrooke. The people she knew. Especially one person who gave her comfort; Henry. As she walked down the stairs, he appeared into the clearing and waited for her as her escort. She blushed as he held out his hand and of course, she took it.

They walked on over to the side and watched as Mary Margaret, Emma and Regina went down and then the music started. The two moved to the side and watched as the court danced and enjoyed the night.

Henry walked to where Emma and Hook were and Cassie went to Mary Margaret and Regina.
"So, your highness. How does it feel to be in a ball again?" Mary Margaret teased. Cassie rolled her eyes. She never really liked parties and galas but given the fact that Henry was with her; it felt different.
"Trust me, I am so glad that my mom is in another realm right now because if she were here, my feet would be killing me right now because she would drag me every where, introducing me and forcing me to socialize." They continued talking when Henry came up to Cassie.
"May I have this dance, princess?" They turned their attention to him and saw Henry, mid-way into bowing. Mary Margaret and Regina smiled fondly. Their little boy was growing up into such a fine gentleman.

Cassie was shocked. She never really knew what to say or do when someone asks her to dance but this was Henry Daniel Mills. The boy she has liked from ever since she can remember.
"Uh.. um.. Sure..?" She stuttered awkwardly. Henry chuckled and guided her towards the dance floor, where Robin and Regina followed.

"You look beautiful, your highness." Henry smirked. He knew that this would set Cassandra off the edge. She hated nothing but formality.
"For goodness sakes, Henry, would you stop that? We've known each other for as long as we can remember and quite frankly, we're of the same status, you know that." She said. Henry's eyebrows quirked in slight confusion and amusement.

"I mean seriously. Has it ever occurred to you what your position in the royal court back at the Enchanted Forest could be? Think about it; you are the son-forget about being adopted- of the Queen, grandson of Princess Snow White and Prince Charming, great grandson of King Leopold and let's not forget about you being the author. There is magic and royalty flowing through your blood." She explained. By now, they have stopped dancing and were on a balcony.

"I guess I've never really thought about it. Besides, it doesn't even bother me. I'm of distant royalty; so what? What matters to me is you. You are the princess here. You're my princess." Cassie smiled at what he said. They both leaned in for a kiss, when a scream and the sound of swords clashing. They pulled apart and saw a fight between Robin and Percival, King Arthur's brother.

They ran inside, in time as the fight came to an end with Charming stabbing Percival but so was Robin.

"Robin!" Regina yelled in tears. They all huddled and helped to carry Robin to a private room to tend to his stab wound.

They laid him on top of a table and observed his bleeding side. Regina tried healing him but to no avail, only to find out that the sword used to stab him was enchanted to kill Regina, making the wound resistant to Regina's power. Then they turned to Emma, who stood helplessly.

"Emma, I could use that dagger to make you heal him but..-but I'm not. I am asking you." Regina begged. Emma was about to move towards when Cassandra stopped her.
"Emma, you're the Dark One now. Do you remember? Whenever Rumple used magic of this extent, it always came with a price." "Then what do we do, Cassandra? Robin wasn't supposed to die! He's running out of time." Regina sobbed.

Cassandra took a deep breath and waved her hand, making a glowing yellow ray appear over Robin's wound and healing it. Everyone gasped.
"Whoa, kid. What the hell?"Emma whispered.

"I'm not only a princess. I'm a daughter of Apollo, Greek god of light and healing." Cassandra said, finally revealing her secret. And without waiting for their response or listening to Henry's calls, she ran off to where Merlin's tree stood.

She stopped by the trunk and sat, watching the moon. Then, she heard slow footsteps.

"Cas? Are you... ok, that's a stupid question. How're you feeling?" Henry. Cassandra just let out a soft laugh. He was so awkward at times: it was a pain.
"I'm fine, Henry. I just... I just didn't know what to expect from you and your family." She replied. Henry sighed and went over to sit next to her. She just leaned closer and rest her head on his shoulder. Despite the dangers that they went through, Cassandra always found comfort and safety whenever she was with Henry. It was one of the things she loved most about being with him.

"We'll get through this. It's not a big problem. My family and I both know that we can trust you. Plus, this is no big deal, to be quite honest. You have magic. Fine, it's not a major setback. It's just new and, possibly, useful information. And don't think I didn't appreciate what you did back there. You stopped my mom from using dark magic and you saved my step-dad. I'm grateful and proud of you." He kissed the crown of her head and stroked her hair, pushing it away from her face.

She looked up to him and said, "what would I do without you, Henry Mills?" Henry leaned closer, their noses touching. "Probably single and lost." They both laughed and finally, their lips touched.

They pulled away and looked into each others' eyes. "I love you, Cassandra Aedan Eris." He pecked her lips once more.
"I love you too, Henry Daniel Mills." She returned. His eyes twinkled and said, "Ugh, god. I can't wait until I can give you my last name." Cassie's eyes widened but before she could say anything, he connected their lips once again.

Hey! This is my new imagines book for Jared Gilmore and his character, Henry Mills!
I know this is supposed to be an imagines book and imagines are supposed to be where you can insert your name but I feel like it ruins the vibe of the writing so I just put random names for the character. Hope you guys don't mind that.

Please comment your opinions and vote! Love y'all.

Henry Mills/Jared Gilmore Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें