Chapter 2 - Guilt's Got A Hold On You

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It felt like lately every time I woke up, I was either dying or was recovering from some form of injury. And as per usual, I woke up feeling groggy and sore. My vision blurred as my eyes opened, my heart skipping a few beats when I remembered where I was, and more importantly, what had happened last night.

Had it even been one night? It felt as if I had been unconscious for a few days now, yet I could never be sure whenever I was inside the city walls. Time seems to go much slower from my experience of being captured by the Better Living Industries.

I looked around at my surroundings, I was back in the cell that the BL/I once before threw me in and left me for near dead. My mind hurt from whatever had happened a few hours ago (?)  along with the rest of my body. I sat up which hurt somewhat, but I pushed through, I was sick of feeling sore and being in pain and constantly getting injured. 

I rubbed the temples on my forehead, from what I can remember the pigs caught us when we were vulnerable; asleep, unarmed and completely oblivious. I remember Val Velocity and I getting dragged away from Party Poison-

Party Poison. 

My heart yet again sunk lower in my chest, it's as if my body froze completely. They had killed him last night, I was sure of it. Before the dracs had knocked me out and dragged me away, I remember Party being surrounded and shoved on the ground like a wild animal. I suppose in the industry's eyes, that's exactly what we were. 

My heart ached and tears began to fall freely. Before I knew it, the petty tears turned into ugly as fuck sobbing. My whole body shook from the force of the breakdown I knew I was currently having. 

Even if I did make it out of the city, (which was highly unlikely) I would never see Party Poison again, which fucking killed me. Even if I did make it out of the city, I had no reason to go home to the desert. I felt like Party Poison was my home for the longest time- and now that's all gone.

There would be no rescuing me this time. I loved the other three members of the fabulous killjoys almost as equally as Party- despite it being a different type of love. But I knew they wouldn't risk it again, hell, they would probably be thinking Party and I are fine right now.

How little they truly knew.

Kobra Kid's usual poker faced expression flashed through my mind, and I felt guilty. I felt guilty that it was all my fault that his brother's now dead. I felt the most extreme guilt for Jet Star and Fun Ghoul, as they now have to continue day to day in the absence of their best friend.

Groups have their average 'leader', Party Poison was in no way a 'leader' to the fabulous four. He was simply their best friend, and now because of me, it was all my fault he was gone. I tried choking down all the built up tears and the grief I was feeling, but it was no use. I was currently a complete and utter mess.

I stayed curled up in the corner of my self for what felt like hours, tears not stopping the whole time I stayed in the fetal position. 

A key in the lock of my cell door made my head whip up, where I was met with two draculoids. Without a word, the two soldiers came to both my sides, lifting up my arms, proceeding to dragging me out of the lonely, dark cell I had been kept in. 

"Wh-Where are you taking me?" I nearly scoffed at how pathetic I sounded. What would the other killjoys say if they heard me sound so afraid? I can clearly see an imagine of Fun Ghoul mimicking me and everyone laughing, then me probably kicking him in the shins. Party would then bark at us telling us to break it up like a parent would do to their kids.

Images like those floated through my mind, making tears well up in my eyes yet I quickly blinked them all away. There was no way Korse, let alone anyone in this industry could see how scared and upset I actually was.

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