Wolf watched him walk away and shook his head, Zeke had always been a private man. Nobody knew much about him or his life before the club. They knew he was the older of the two brothers, Ty being the younger, they knew their parents were dead and that Becky had grown up with the pair. Ty and Becky were best friends and could never be a part for long, Ty was in love with Becky but nobody knew her feeling on Ty and Zeke was uninterested with the entire thing.

Lacy walked in the door and glanced breifly at the bar, seeing Wolf she promptly turned and headed in the direction of her room. He rolled his eyes and downed a shot before following her. He caught up to her in the hall.

"Lacy, we need to talk.

"I don't have anything to say."

"Well at least listen to what I have to say."

She stopped walking and turned to face him, crossing her arms. She was the only one who could get away with speaking to him like that, if she were a man he'd beat the shit out of her.

"King is responsible for what happened to Iris, I know you have history with him and this is difficult-"

"How the hell do you know that!?" She interrupted.

"Demon told me."

"That stupid bastard, it wasn't his secret to tell."

"Regardless, if it's going to be a problem for you we can keep you out of it. We're going to war with the Aces and that's my final decision."

"Fine, then there was no point in this discussion."

"I just wanted you to know that I've made my decision."

Before she could say another word he turned and walked away, thinking it best to get away from her before he said something he would regret. He reached the main room just as Sky entered and Jenny rushed to throw her arms around him.

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"When they said there was a shooting and a war.....I just." She started to sob and he smiled kissing her forehead and holding her close.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Wolf stopped beside them and Jenny pulled away wiping her eyes, she was short with long curly brown hair, brown eyes and a slightly heavier build than the other women but no less striking. A complete opposite of Sky who showed all of his Spanish roots.

"Thanks for staying at the hospital," Wolf said.

"Anytime, thanks for the break."

"Go get something to eat and get some rest. I'll try and give you at least a day off but I can't promise much."

Sky gave a nod and Jenny began pulling him towards a nearby table where there was food sitting out. He laughed at something she said and she scowled when a few of the regulars began getting a little too friendly with him. She shoved one of them and Sky shook his head at her but didn't correct her behavior.

His phone vibrating jolted Wolf out of his thoughts and he briefly hoped it was Morgan. He didn't like them being at the hospital, even with his best men there. He wanted them with him on lock-down where he knew they were safe.


"Wolf? It's Ivan. We need to talk." His voice was sharp and held a dangerous edge.

"What is it?"

"Laurel called me, the Aces killed six of her men. It's backlash because of what's going on with us I'm sure of it."

"What do you want us to do?"

"Put some heat on them, if you can draw their attention off of Laurel. I'll handle the rest."

"Fine, when you find the man that pulled the trigger and shot Iris....he's mine."

"You have my word on it."

Wolf closed his phone and shoved it in his pocket. Laurel was Ivans ex-wife, beautiful, blonde and lethal. If she was calling for help there was a reason.

He walked to a corner where seven of the regular members stood having beers.

"You guys, go down to the docks. Kings warehouse, burn it down. Not a single thing standing. Call me if you run into any problems."

"Yes sir."

"I'll send Demon down as well."

The men all set down their drinks and immediately filed out of the room, Wolf sighed. He didn't want in this damn war. It had been dropped on his doorstep and now he was too far to go back. He promised Morgan revenge for Iris and he would get it, no matter the cost.

As he glanced across the room he saw Lacy, pouring herself a drink. When she saw the men leave she glared at him, knowing they were going after King. She slammed the glass down on the bar and promptly returned to her room. He was going to have to talk to Demon about her, he hated to do it but it had to be done. She was quickly losing grip on her loyalties and if she became a liability something would have to be done.

Author Note; So, I'm just curious as to what you're thoughts are on our secondary characters? Whose story do you find most interesting and who would you like to learn about Next. Of course everyone will get a book. Lacy, Demon, Sky, Zeke and Ty....possibly Ivan as well. 

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now