Trapped and Arrested with Joy Boyd

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I groaned as the alarm clock went off. I glared at the digital pink hello kitty clock.

"Have I told you how many times I hate you?" I asked it grouchily.

"Yeah? Well…I think I haven't said it enough" I said answering my own question as if my clock had said 'Yes. Joy, you have.' I sat up and threw my digital clock onto my bed before standing up. I took my towel and opened my bedroom door. I walked down the hallway and into the shower. After a good twenty minute shower I heard someone bang on the door.

"JOY! GET OUT ALREADY!" my brother, Alan shouted. I rolled my eyes and even though I had already finished I spent the next twenty minutes throwing away clean water just to piss the hell out of Alan. While the shower ran I quickly blow dried my hair and straightened it. After I heard him bang for the last time I knew he had lost his patience and quickly turned the shower off and grabbed my clothes before walking out the door with steam coming out.

"Bitch" he snapped.

"Bite me, Jerk" I snapped back pushing past him. I walked into my room and locked the door just in case Alan tried to put another prank on me. See. Technically. We weren't exactly sister and brother and sister, yeah that. See. My mom thought it was great to give each of us a different father so we wouldn't fight over him. Psh. Yeah right. He could've kept my father too. Now. If only my mother could've made the same decision about who she chose to be our mother…Sadly. My present mother WASN'T my mother at all. Not even close so it made me laugh when people said me and her looked alike or me and my present father looked alike.

"Blue. Pink. Purple..." I mumbled looking through my closet. I ended up pulling out a black t-shirt with green goo writing that said 'I Hate You' on the front and on the back had 'Just Because I'm EMO.' I pulled out a pair of Green Skinnies that went with the printing of my T-shirt and put on a black studded Belt and Black Vans. The truth is. I wasn't emo. But hey! If they label you as that. Why not go for it? Right?

"Joy Annabella Boyd" My mother called in a warning tone as she made it up to my door. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. My messenger bag was already swung over my shoulder and I grinned happily at my mother.

"Hey there! Ready to move again?!" I said sarcastically. We had moved yesterday to some lame island where the population was probably around 500 people…

"Oh c'mon Joy. It can't be that bad! You can make new friends all over again!" she said.

"Yay" I said sarcastically putting my arms up and moving them. I sighed and pulled my door shut. Sadly I hadn't installed a lock.

Note to self: Install a lock before Alan ends up pulling something.

"Yeah. Like you did last time. Right?" Alan said joining us as we made it to what seemed like the kitchen. I don't know. It was hard to tell with packed up boxes all over the place.

"Here you go!" she said enthusiastically handing each of us a brown bag. I sighed and walked out the door with Alan trailing behind.

"Just so we're clear. We're not brother and sister. You DON'T know me. And I DON'T know you. Got it?" Alan asked shoving me into the wired fence.

"Loud and clear, cowboy" I mocked just to annoy him.

"Ugh..." he said annoyed already and started walking off. I walked slowly and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. I started flicking it but it wouldn't budge.

"Son a bitch..." I mumbled and threw the thing on the ground before stepping on it. It made a crack and I smiled knowing I'd broken it. I looked up to see I'd already made my way to the School's front Steps.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2011 ⏰

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