Chapter 1

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I was sitting on the park bench taking pictures of beautiful things. I love how you can tell a story just based off one picture. I seen a picture of a family, and I took the picture. "You have an good eye." A guy with dirty blonde hair said. He must be new here because I only have one friend and that Riley Matthews. I don't like people and people don't like, so I'm perfectly fine with that.

Riley and I had been best friends since we were little. I'm really surprised she's my friend because her family is very rich. Most people don't like to talk to me because I'm poor, Riley let's her other friends boos her around. I think she listens to them because she doesn't want to be unpopular. 

"You must be new here?" I asked as he was checking me out.

wait what. No one ever checks me out.

"I just moved here. Can I see the picture you took." He asked and I gave him my camera. "You know I think that you can tell an whole story just by a single picture." He continued. He very weird was he in my head.

"Yea I know that's why I love taking pictures." I smiled and he smiled back. We was just sitting there looking at the people walk by and playing at the park. Someone called his phone and he was on the phone for about 5 minutes.

"I have to go, but I will try to meet you here tomorrow." He winked and walked off I don't even know his name. He seems really cool.

I walked into my small apartment to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch watching a movie. We don't have much but we do make the most of it. I sat on the couch with them and they smiled. "Hey baby girl, why are you so happy?" My mom asks me. "I meet a boy and he seems really nice." I said to my parents.

"What's his name?" My dad asks me

"I don't know his name. All I know is that he just moved here." 

"I'm happy your making friends baby girl." My mom said.

"Yeah me too."


I walked to school because I didn't  feel like taking the subway today. I seen Riley waiting on my at my locker.

"Hey Riley." I said walking to my locker.

"Hi Maya!" She says.  Before I could say something back I seen him the guy at the park. A lot of girls were licking their at him and was staring, he liked the attention you could just tell how he was walking down the hallway. He walked past me and said "Hey stranger." After that he winked and walked  to his locker. A lot of girls was very shocked that he talked to me. 

"Who is that Maya why did he talk to you?"

"I don't know his name and I only met him yesterday." I said.

"Why was the HOT new guy talking to when he could be talking to me." Missy said. She's the most popular in school she's also the biggest bitch in the school. I rolled my eyes at her and walked away I didn't want to hear her mouth. I walked into my first period class and the guy I met at the park so I sat next to him on his right. He turned to me and said "Lucas."

"What?" I asked obviously confused.

"My name is Lucas what's yours?" Lucas asked me.

"My name is Maya. I don't think you want to talk me, I'm not the most popular girl in school." I said being completely honest.

"I don't care if you're popular are not Maya. All I know is that we are going to best friends."

"Okay we're going to be best friends. I felt like I seen you before Lucas."

"Maya you just seen me yesterday at the park, remember."

"Yes I remember I'm not stupid, I felt like I seen you on TV or on a billboard. What's your last name?" I ask but the bell rings and class beings.


What do you guys think it gets very interesting.

They are in high school.

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