Chapter 2: Choosing Ceremony

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Scarlett had been lying in her bed for most of the morning. Her mother had forced her father to allow her extra time to make her choice. Scarlet was left alone for 3 hours before her little brother convinced her they need to get going or they would miss the trucks, that drove them to the school. Scar rolled out of her bed and looked threw her drawer to find her nicest clothes. She found yellow skinny jeans and a red flannel. She loved this outfit. She wore red converse and her hair was pulled into a braid.

Scar ran out to the trucks. They were already starting to drive away. She had began running toward them. None of the drivers seemed to notice her. She pushed her feet to go faster. She then noticed a small handle like structure on the car. Scar gripped the handle and swung herself onto the truck. Others looked at her with schock." Oh thank god, scar. You scared me." A worried looking Spencer said from the corner of open seats. "I'm sorry I scared you Spenc." She had loved the nickname she game him.
The Amity trucks arrived to the school and everyone piled off. A swarm of people began walking to the auditorium. There were sections split apart for each faction. As Scarlet passed each one she waited for her gut feeling to tell her which to pick.

She felt sick as she sat in her own factions seats. She sat beside her mother and brother. Her father on the other side of her mom. Spencer and his family sat on the opposite side of Davey, Who kept playing with his fingers Obviously nervous. Scarlet felt awful about herself. She wasn't right for her family.

As soon as she looked away she heard a name being called. Katrina Zimmis. Oh god! They were going to go from z to a!! Kat started mentally freaking out. When her brother took her hand she calmed down, but only enough to watch the girl choose her faction. "Katrina Zimmis. DAUNTLESS." A shout of whoops and cheers exploded from the opposite side of the auditorium where the daredevils sat. Dauntless? That small blonde hair girl picked dauntless? Scar was shocked.

" flora yok, carter wams."After a few more names she heard her own. "Scarlet Waldorf" She slowly walked down the few stairs and nervously stepped onto the large platform with 5 bowls. She took the small dagger and placed the sharp end over her palm. She winced as it cut her already scraped hands. She held her hand out of the bowls and stared blankly. She hadn't made up her mind. Annoyed she just closed her eyes and waved her hand over all of the bowls. She heard a sizzle. "Scarlet Waldorf. Dauntless." The voice over the speakers announced.

Scar jumped a bit as there were many screams of excitement. She walked over to the dauntless section and a tall for girl stood up for her. "I'm Blair Funess, Welcome to dauntless." Kat smiled and sat where Blair had been. She watched the rest of the choosing. Donald Romet, Phillip Tuex, Spencer Keely... SPENCER!

She anxiously tapped her leg as he sliced his hand and without even thinking it over placed his blood in dauntless. Wait. He better not have done that just for me. He hadn't even turned around to say goodbye to his family. He did. He did it for me.

They man next to my stood and greeted Spencer. "I'm Jon Karcus. Welcome to dauntless." Spencer nodded and sat beside her.
"You did it for me." She whispered without even turning to him. "What did you really want to choose?" She then turned to him and he stared at her gorgeous green eyes.

"I wanted to choose you." Spencers dark brown eyes met hers and she couldn't help but reach over and grab his hand. "I love you spenc." -"I love You Scar."

No there is not love in chapter FRICKING two. This is merely just two bffs.

Choosing You.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن