2. Intoxicated

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I wake up to my alarm clock playing music. Reaching over and turning it off, I then walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Feeling the hot water on my skin was just what I need to relax. For some reason I was still on edge from last night. I brought my hand up to my lips and let my thumb brush against them. What was I thinking last night? She was a woman and I was just a girl. My thoughts got cut short when the hot water started to run out. So I got out and started to make myself look decent for the day. I blew dry my hair and straightened it. I did my everyday winged eyeliner for my makeup with red lipstick. Then I got dressed in light skinny jeans and a grey cardigan. Grabbing my keys and wallet again, I left the house.

The drive was only 15 minutes. Once I arrived to school I noticed everyone was here a bit early. I wasn't surprised though because it was the first day of the new school year. My friends and I usually met at my locker. So I walked inside to my locker with my schedule in my pocket. And as usual to other school years they were there.

"Hey!" I greeted giving a group hug

"You just saw us two days ago." Lexi stated

"Well I missed my best friends is that so wrong." I replied

"I guess not." She mumbled

"So Olivia what's your schedule?" I said while grabbing the paper out of her hand. As suspected we hand only had home room, biology and lunch.

"Alright lex let me see yours" I said also grabbing her paper. We had home room, Spanish and lunch.

"I'm bummed out we don't have more classes together." Olivia said after I reveled what we all had together.

" yeah me too." I agreed

"The boys said they're here so we'll meet up with you in home room?" Lexi questioned

"Sounds good I'll see you in a bit." I replied and turned to walk away.

They had both found their first boyfriends last year. I was excited for them to be lasting this long. Plus we were all good friends so when we hung out it wasn't awkward.

Making my way into home room my heart stopped. I can't believe I had her for home room and for English.
Lauren stood from her desk approaching me with a wide grin.

"Hey what're you doing here?" She questions

"What does it look like I'm doing here?" I replied

"It looks like you're visiting me at work." She said grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers.

"Right about that..."

She cuts me off by kissing my lips gently. I kiss back while she holds on to my neck. Pulling away for air I look in her eyes. Just then the bell had rung and kids started rushing into the classroom. I started to walk away from her to a seat in the back of the classroom. I knew her confused eyes were watching my every move. I sat down and stared at her right in the eyes while her mouth was agape. I knew what I was doing was wrong but it felt so right at the same time.

Laure took attendance and waited for home room to end to Start her first period class. Although my friends were in my home room I didn't speak to them. All my thoughts were on Lauren. She starts her class and introduces herself.

"I'm miss Jauregui and I'll be your English teacher for the year."

She went on to speak while some boys made stupid remarks. They all wanted to know if she had a boyfriend. But as dumb as it sounded I wanted to know too.

" I'm not interested in men so no I don't have a boyfriend." She responded

"So you have a girlfriend?" A kid yelled out

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