Accidents happen

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Assassin of Smiles: Chapter 2

"Life is pain, anyone who says differently is selling something. " - William Goldman

Disclaimer: I do not own the Ace Attorney characters appearing in this story. The story itself is completely mine. Any connections to real life are purely accidently.

Time had passed rather quickly for the Gavin family, it was winter now. Snow was covering the busy roads in and around Berlin, their house, the pretty and tiny gardens.

Inside the house there were several small signs for the outside world that pointed to the baby that was soon to be born. Ilse had been pregnant for a little over 7 months now, which could be seen rather easily.

Ray was finishing up with painting the room for the baby, it was a dark color purple with some black accents. Though the room was simple, it radiated a promising aura. Both parents were sure that their kid.. Their kids, would do great things in the future.

Kristoph was beginning to show more and more interest in law. He was reading rather easy books about law all day long.

He had complained to his father, ones, about why he didn't get to read books that were harder. He wanted to learn more, know more. Gain knowledge.

That was probably also the reason why he spend more time on school than at home these days. So it happened.. That today as well, he wasn't at home yet.

Nobody was worrying about him anymore, though, which was a difference from when he first had decided to stay a few hours longer.

"Fuck!" exclaimed Ray suddenly.

"Darling..? Is everything alright?" Ilse came walking into the hallway from out of their bedroom.

"Yes.. Yes.. Everything is fin- Auw!</i>"

"Are you sure..? You don't sound 'fine'."

Ilse entered the room, the floor was covered with old newspapers. Most of these were German, though there were some British and American newspapers as well.

Some paint cans were standing in a corner, some open and others closed.

The remarkable thing about the room weren't the cans of paint of the newspapers, though… Right now the most remarkable thing in the room was Ray, covered in paint and holding his right ankle with his hands, entangled with a stepladder. He seemed to be in pain.

"..What were you doing again? I was under the impression that you were doing the safe job of painting your son his room, which was- how did you say it again - 'the safest job you could do'?" Ilse asked, crossing her arms.

The situation was too interesting for her to do something at this point. He would need to ask.

"Well.. I thought so too.. But I was wrong. Could you now please help me..?" Ray asked, his teeth clenched.

"Yes, yes, I will." She smiled before walking towards her husband and helping him to stand up. And help he needed, alright. Ray had to grab her arms two times to make sure he didn't fall back to the floor. He also seemed to avoid standing on his right foot.

"Could you now tell me exactly what happened to you, sweetheart?" she asked, looking at his face.

"Could we first go downstairs.. ? I really need to sit down." He pleaded.

And so they did, with Ilse her help Ray managed to walk through the room, to the hallway and from there down the stairs. Once he was downstairs, the first chair he saw was to be occupied by his butt.

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