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9) Now

I am doing alright

Since the days when you

Kicked me 'round all the time

I stood up

Brushed myself off

Simply told myself

No, not this time


And now I've

Risen above you

And now I'm

Higher then you

And now

Your begging me too

Forgive you for what you've done

Cause I'm better than all of you

I'm out for myself

Don't wanna be mainstream

I am me,

Not who you want me to be

I am unmoldable

And unfoldable

not gonna be you

I'm gonna be me


This is the end.

You'll never be my friend

Don't bother asking again

You've cast wounds that you can't mend

So to all of you who can't accept other's problems

If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all.



You're all the same.

Theres no change

Just like a song

Stuck on repeat

Show your inner you

Which isn't wrong.

But you haven't a clue

So you make others blue.


And now because of you

I'm stronger

Unlike you

I'll stand the test of time

And you'll just fade away

Into the dark.


MaelstromDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora