Free Fall

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7) Free Fall

Always surrounded by my friends

Never thought id ever be down again

Caught in a never ending Hurricane

Just myself to blame

I said all the wrong things

My head should be in a sling

I don't know what's wrong with me

Been like this for so long


And when I am left to my own devices

I begin to tear my universe to pieces

I don't know why I always do this

I never want to miss

And when I am alone in the dark

Don't try to phone me

I'm broken, Won't take the call

My life is like a Free Fall

Distant things do away

All the days fade away

All things send me into disarray

Like a demented play

That was never made

To be showcased

On broadway

I need all of you to help me go my own way


And now that I've made it here

I have nothing to fear

No longer like a deer in the head lights

I'm stronger and my mind is right


I can't find the words

Just please understand

I'm thanking you all

For being there

When I need you

My life isn't like

A free fall any more

Now I'm skydiving with a chute

And that chute.

Is you.

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