the end of the tour, warped tour

Start from the beginning

"Hello girls, how was your flight" the organiser of warped comes to us.

"Hello, good exept for Hailey freaking out again" Zerah pokes me in the ribs.

"Haha" i say sarcasticly, rolling my eyes.

"Well, the crew is on the bus already, you girls only need to put the stuff in the bus. Tonight we have a intro party where you can meet the rest of the bands, have a nice warped tour" he says ending with his arms wide and we smile.

"Then let's shove this stuff in the bus!" I yell.

We take some cables and begin putting them in the lower bunks.
Our guitars are in another exept for Traxy's black with electrik blue bass, she... wanted it in her bunk.

"Hail do you get the last stuff?" Amber askes, sitting down and putting her head on Zerah's lap.

I nodd, walking out into the hot burning sun. I sigh when i see the last thing is a box.
I pick it up and almoste go through my back. "Fuck" i groan trying to set a step.

"Need help?" A familiar voice says, i turn my head seeing Ashley....

"Hey, yes please" i say, giving him a small smile.

"Here" he says, putting his beer down and taking the box.

"Thanks" i say as he put it in the lower bagage place under the bus.

"No problem" he says, taking his beer up.

"So exited for warped?" He askes, a big smirk on his face.

"Yeah pretty much" i say, scratching my shoulder.

"So, are you girls coming to the party tonight?" He askes, leaning against the bus while looking at me from head to toe.

"I think so?" I say, putting my hair out of my face.

"HAILEY THE BUS LEAVES, GET IN" Tracy yells and i sigh.

"Gotta go, thanks for helping" i say and walk backwards to the door of the bus.

"I see you tonight at the party" he winks to me and i get in, closing the door quikly.

Good begin of warped...

"Guys" i shout to the back, walking to it to find Zerah and the guitar dude playing fifa.

"Yeah?" Tracy askes.

"I totaly forgot that Black Veil Brides is on warped too" i say sitting down.

"How ya know that?" She askes.

"Because Ashley just helped me packing the stuff into the bus" i say putting my hands in my hair.

"How shit" she says, her eyes wide. "Did he tried anything?" She askes but i shook my head.

"Just flirting i guess, winking, checking me out. He thinks he can get a round 2" i say, chuckling at the end.

"Well over my death body that that's going to happen" Amber says standing up.



"Hailey you can get ready" Amber says coming out of the bathroom.

"Finaly" i sigh and walk into the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom, closing it behind me.
I strip out of my clothes and take a quik shower.
I put on black wripped skinniejeans with a selfmade greenday crop top.
I straighten my hair and put black gloves on without tips.
I slip into red converce and batman necklass.
I straighten my black hair and put on some make up.

I walk out, finding the rest also ready.
"We go grab some mc Donalds befor we stop at the warped ground, what food do you want?" Zerah askes, typing something on her phone.

"I don't want food" i say, sitting down next to Josh the drum tech.

"Yes you do" zerah says, taking my hand and drags me out of the bus inside the mc Donalds.

"You're no fun" i pout.

I sit down by a table while the rest is getting some food.

"Rock paper sizors?" I ask Josh and he nodds.

"Rock, paper, sizors. Rock paper sizors" we both say. "HA I WIN HEMMO" he says making a weird dance.

"You are even weirder then me" i punch his arm playfully.

"Here, eat" Amber says,putting a plate with a happymeal.

"OMG THE BOX, IT'S SO HAPPY" i say and put all the stuff out of it and put it over my head.

"Omg you are such a child" Zerah says followed by a flash.

"Bish" i say and put it off and take a bite of the hamburger, full with discus but i know that if i don't eat we will sit here a loooong time.


"We're here" Kevin the busdriver shouts.

"FUCK YEAH" Amber yells and runs outside, slipping out on the end and falls with her face on the ground.

"Drummers" i laugh and help her up.

"It's a thing right?" Another familiar voice says,i turn around and see MA TURTLE.

"TURTLE" i scream and jump on Tony, hugging his loungs out.

"Hey little turtle, i like to breath" he chuckles.

"Whoops sorry" i say letting go of the mexican.

"I heard you guys need to preform tonight to show some girl power to the other bands" he says laughing at the end.

"Oh sure they get girlpower" i smirk and jump to the rest of the group.

"Let's prank the bands" i whisper followed by giggles.

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New book

Go read it

It's called , hey little sis|black

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