Chapter 6: Kitty has A Pink Mustache?

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When the glow subsided, in VoldeDeath's place, sat a very disgruntled looking white fur ball,with a thin patch of pink fur over his mouth. The all powerful evil dictator of the world, was turned into... a white cat with a pink mustache. Smiling to myself I walked over to Matrix and resumed sawing the ropes away.

"So you've accepted it, huh?" Matrix said with a smile after I let him down off the bomb.

"Maybe," I said, twirling the staff expertly in my hand s\and then taped the freebom with it, causing the bomb to fold in on itself and disappear from existence. It was never seen again. "Maybe, I just realized that I can't run away from destiny. That not everything has a logical explanation. That somethings are just... magic."

"So," Matrix said, "What are you going to do now?"

I thought about that for a minute. Then I walked over and picked up my new cat, VoldeDeath, complete with white fur and a stylish pink mustache. "I don't know. But this world will need a new leader, and we all know that a dictatorship didn't work. Maybe a democracy? With a president? All I know is that when this is over, I think I'm going to dye my hair."

"What color?" Matrix asked curiously.

I looked at my staff, then my new cat, and then Matrix.

"All of them."


"The weak ca never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

- Mahatma Gandhi

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