Chapter 2: The Creepy Alley Dude

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Shaking off the feeling of unease that my dream left me with, I got out of bed and dressed in warm clothes. As much as I wished it to not be true, I still had to go to work today. I walked downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal. Quickly eating I then left my apartment, climbed down the stairs to the lobby, and set down the street towards work.

As I walked down the sidewalk, the cold winter wind blew, finding its way through my thin, winter jacket.

I quickened my pace, hoping to get to the office before I froze to death. The street was almost empty, as if everyone had the same thought, 'Dang! It's cold! Let's stay inside!'

Obviously, I didn't.

I passed by a guard, nodding my head in a greeting of hello. He ignored me. What a jerk. I continued walking, I was almost to work when suddenly I was pulled into a dark alleyway.

"Listen carefully Kitty," a low voice whispered from the darkness. "I don't have much time. VoldeDeath is out of control, and you're the only one who can stop him."

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked my head spinning, from this information. "And before you go any further, can you step into the light? I can't see any of you, and it's kinda creepy."

There was a groan. "Fine." He stepped forward, so that the small bit of sunlight partly illuminated part of his face. The rest was still bathed in shadows.

"Thanks." I said, sarcastically. "That was soooo helpful."

"Anyways," he said clearly annoyed. "Using this."

From out of nowhere he pulled a staff. In the faint light I could see in was made of wood, with symbols carved into it and a simple leather hand grip. The mysterious boy gestured for me to grab the staff, so I did.

Suddenly the staff began to glow white. I yelped and dropped it immediately. The man, however, caught it before it could hit the ground.

"You are the one." He said, amazed. "The chosen one."

"No!" I shouted startling him. I took a moment to try and calm myself down. "That's highly illogical." I said with a small laugh. The gears were turning in my head, and my voice shaking. "Magic is just a figment of children's imaginations. Nothing but an illusion that street magicians use to accumulate a profit."

"Sorry to burst your bubble," he said with a small smile. "What you just saw was proof that you're wrong." With that comment I took off running, far away from that alley and back to my apartment. Completely unaware of the guard in all black following me


"Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anyone."

- Mark Twain

A Light in The DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora