chapter 2

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Firelight danced as he walked along side his master anxiously. He had been told that someday soon he would be taken out for a flight. He was more than eager since he hadn't flown for maybe ten years now!

The young child just a new teenager seemed excited as well. That was until an elder snapped him right out of that. "What do you think you're doing Charlton! Put the wing cuffs back before it decides to take off!"

Charlton looked over at 'his' dragon and shrugged. "He wont do that pa. Its a very loyal dragon. They told me I can ride with the guards today."

The man shook his head in regret. "You know you aren't allowed to do that. This dragon hasn't been clipped because it is reserved for war. They just wanted to mess with you."

The young boy sighed as his pa put the cuffs back on Firelight. The dragon was visibly saddened by the process as if he himself had done something wrong. Yet... He hadn't. Simply he had been young when his original master had fallen off to his doom, Charlton's father.

He turned his head looking back mentally frowning as the other riders took flight from the ledge. He pulled a bit...

Pewter watched in horror as his grandson tugged only slightly, lifting his young master from the ground and the the worst happened. A whip studded with thick metal spikes swung hitting him for his disobedience.

"Boy! Look what you caused!" the older chief screamed as he beat the dragon.

The dragon roared in pain as blood gushed from his lower wing and stomach. He instantly dropped to the ground cowering like he had been taught bit that didn't matter.

"Don't pa!" the boy cried out.

"Train your beast! So i don't have to! Take him back to the tie down."

Charlton did as he was told, but the damages had been done. Firelight would never fly again. His wing now torn wouldn't repair properly enough to fly. Instead in the weeks to come he was studded out to female dragons if he could no longer fly he would be useful in another way.

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