She Hates Her Work

Start from the beginning

"Alright." I stopped at my door, fumbling with the keys, even more since there was an attractive lad behind me. Geez, those words really were easy to slip into your vocabulary.

"Would you like some water or anything?" I turned to look at Van, breaking the silence.

Water? We'd just left a bar for god's sakes. Oh man.

But he didn't bat an eye. "Sure."I walked in and fumbled for the light switch. He bumped into me from behind. His body only pressed against mine for a second but it was enough for me to feel a blush creeping onto my face. 

I flipped the light switch on, hoping my reddening wasn't as apparent. "I'll be back." 

He followed me into the kitchen though, leaning against the counter as I raided the cupboard for glasses. "Thanks." His fingers brushed against mine as he accepted the glass. I seemed to be touching him at every second now. 

"No problem." I drank my water in two gulps, trying to cool down a little.  

"Nice place by the way."

"Thank you. I have a roommate but she's not here so."

"Awesome, more space for you huh?"

"Yeah, but it gets lonely sometimes." 

"Well I'm here now so you don't have to be." 

I smiled. "Thank you. I don't want to keep you though. I know you're supposed to go back to your friends."

"Nah, they're probably too wasted to tell the time. For all they know I only came and dropped you off. But I can't just let a beautiful girl like you get lonely in her apartment."

Ohmygod. I looked him in the eye. "Is that so?"

"Indeed it is. I may come off as brash or blunt, but that's just the way I am. Life's too short to miss out on chances. And in this case, leaving without your number and a promise to see you soon."

This had to be some sort of joke.

I mean, Van was Van and I was just some girl he'd met an hour ago. And try as I might of not doing so, I might have given off the impression of being dull and not having much to say.

" just met me."

"Yeah, I know. But I feel like I'd really really really like to get to know you more. But only if you want to of course." He set the glass down, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms.

"I want to get to know you more, I really do." Fuck it. Life was too short.

"Perfect. And if you want to get to know me more, just ask  me questions. I'm an open book for your reading pleasure." He smiled again, crossing his legs.


Van wasted no time in answering everything I asked him. We went back and forth like it was a professional interview, sitting in the living room facing each other on opposite ends of the couch. He always leaned forward when he talked though, letting his hands fall inches from mine. 

I studied his face while he talked, making constant eye contact which he didn't bother to break. His words were lively, accenting some stories with continuous hand gestures.

And I answered his questions, at first only trying to seem appealing, and then really telling him the truth, even if it seemed weird or dull. 

He asked me so many questions I slowly grew out of trying to shorten answers or give vague half truths, instead letting the entirety of my honest answer pour forth from my mouth like my life depended on it.

"My parents own a little bed and breakfast and that's where I spent the my childhood, figuring out the business. I'm sure they would've loved if I'd taken over for them, but I wanted to do something else with my life. I always think about them though, I promised my mum a Jacuzzi when I made it big. That's the first thing I'm gonna buy when any sort of profit comes through." He looked so sincere it was endearing.

"That's so sweet. Buy her a huge jacuzzi, like those big wooden outdoor ones." 

"Good plan. You should help me pick it out."

"I'd love to. I've never been in a jacuzzi."

"Me neither. I guess my mum did though. She's in love with the idea of owning one."

I laughed, trying to discreetly hide a yawn.

"Are you tired?"

"A little bit. I don't even know what time it is."

"It is..2 am."

"I have to go to work at 8."

"Don't go if you hate it."

"I hate my job but at least it pays the rent." I stood up, stretching. When I looked down Van was still sitting there, smiling up at me. "What?"

"I'm glad you went with Talia. Even though I know you're very cautious and would never do that. It was just very nice to meet someone like you."

"It was nice to meet someone like you too Van McCann." I teased, feeling completely comfortable with him now.

"I like how my name sounds coming out of your mouth." 

"I like that you like it. But I have to go to sleep, I'm sorry." I laughed lightly.

He stood up, suddenly grabbing my hands in between his. His slender cool fingers wrapping around mine was an entirely new experience. "Make it up to me later. I'll let you know."

"Ok. Be careful and drive safe please." I followed him to the door, standing in front of it while watching him leave. 

"With the promise of seeing you later? I'll drive under the speed limit and stop at every yellow light."

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