Diamond- @SaphireJewel @Shalnark @KilluaZoldyck I refuse! >:3


All of Justin Timberlake's songs are masterpieces! They make other artists cry in a corner~
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Killua- @DiamondJewel clearly you've never heard any of Fall Out Boy's songs. Those are perfection!

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck @DiamondJewel Not even. Demi Lovato is a queen.

Leorio- @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck @DiamondJewel Nope. Miley Cyrus is the best!

Diamon- @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck Ew. Leave peasant. You obviously don't know what real music is

Saphire- @DiamondJewel @LeorioParadimight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck Shut up. All of you. Selena Gomez is the best.

Ivy- @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck Ah no. Nick Jonas all the way~

Gon- @IvyJewel @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck They're all good. Chill peeps. Let's not make Twitter a battelfield...D:


Just saw a spider....and burn the living shit out of it. They can all go to hell tbh.
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Kurapika- @SaphireJewel Good. You did well, Saphire.

Shalnark- @SaphireJewel Wow, fuck you too then

Diamond- @SaphireJewel What the hell! You know what, next time I see a snake, I'll do the same! That spider did not deserve that!

Saphire- @DiamondJewel You do that, and I'll get an anaconda to eat your spider collection, you psychopath.

Chrollo- @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel You better not touch those beautiful spiders! *^*

Kurapika- @ChrolloLucilfer @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel No. Do it. I'll help you if you need me to Saphire.

Chrollo- @KurapikaKurta @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel D:


I think you and I can be best friends @SaphireJewel. We both hate spiders!
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Saphire- @KurapikaKurta They're disgusting. Of course I'd hate them. But that's one thing we have in common. Do you like snakes or at least not hate them?

Kurapika- @SaphireJewel I harbor no hatred for them. Not like I do with spiders...

Saphire- @KurapikaKurta :D Awesomesauce~ Besties!


So I heard you love spiders? @DiamondJewel
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Diamond- @ChrolloLucilfer Oh yes!

Chrollo- @DiamondJewel Good. One less enemy for the troupe! :D

Shalnark- @ChrolloLucilfer @DiamondJewel Yasss~

Machi- @ChrolloLucilfer @DiamondJewel That's nice...

Uvo- @ChrolloLucilfer @DiamondJewel Does that mean she'll be one of us, danchou? :D

Chrollo- @Uvogin @DiamondJewel Oh yes! I forgot to mention- would you like to join our troupe? You'll get a free spider tattoo :D

Diamond- @ChrolloLucilfer Well...what is it that you guys do?

Chrollo- @DiamondJewel We steal and kill for fun c:

Diamond- @ChrolloLucilfer ....Oh! I see O.o Um...I'll get back to you on that...^^'

Chrollo- @DiamondJewel 'kay :3


What's a Hunter? I want to know
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Killua- @SulfuricAcid Dude...where have you been! Under a rock?!

Sulfur- @KilluaZoldyck No...;-;

Killua- @SulfuricAcid *sends a wikipedia link about Hunters* Sorry, I'm lazy :3

Sulfur- @KilluaZoldyck I can see that lol...Well this seems interesting

Killua- @SulfuricAcid Careful. You'll die if you're not while taking the exam :3

Sulfur- @KilluaZoldyck I know lol~ Still gonna take it tho c:


Just out of curiosity...who's faster? @KilluaZoldyck or @SaphireJewel? I heard Killua can run fast with godspeed but Saphy can run really really fast. Like damn fast!!
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Saphire- @DiamondJewel @KilluaZoldyck seriously.... -_-

Killua- @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel Lol we can race if you want

Saphire- @KilluaZoldyck @DiamondJewel Later I guess


So I just realized @SaphireJewel, @DiamondJewel, @MaddyJewel and @IvyJewel are all related
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Diamond- @LeorioParadinight @SaphireJewel @MaddyJewel @IvyJewel Dude...we all have the same last name!

Leorio- @DiamondJewel Oops

Ivy- @LeorioParadinight @SaphireJewel @DiamondJewel @MaddyJewel Come on' old man! I thought it was obvious!

Leorio- @IvyJewel IM NOT OLD YOU BRAT!! I'm 19!!

Killua- @LeorioParadinight @IvyJewel SERIOUSLY?!

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck @LeorioParadinight @IvyJewel I second that- fuck man. I thought you were like 30

Leorio- @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck @IvyJewel omfg guys I already told you this!!

Killua- @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @IvyJewel Lol whoops


So now we know that Saphire, Diamond, Maddy and Ivy are related...what about those acid guys?

Arson- @KilluaZoldyck moi and Sulfur?

Killua- @ArsenicAcid Yes, good sir. Are you related to them

Sulfur- @KilluaZoldyck @ArsenicAcid Yes and No. See, I'm supposed to be Saphire's guy version and Arson is Diamond's guy version

Killua- @SulfuricAcid @ArsenicAcid Ooh okay...but wtf is up with your names?! ACID?! ARSON?! SULFUR?!

Arson- @KilluaZoldyck @SulfuricAcid idk ask @ShyQuietWeird. She's the one behind that >.>

Killua- @ArsenicAcid @SulfuricAcid ight


Not too interesting because it has OC's huh? xD Well as you saw in the chapter, this is part 1~ For Part 2, I'll include your OC's :D If you want your OC's featured in a next update, message me :D

P.S. Remember that the next Q&A is coming up so you can also send me questions or comment them here~

P.S. Fairy Tail or Magi for the crossover?

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