It's All Okay

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Castiel was at the hospital in only a moment, the air around him stirring from his sudden appearance just outside the hospital, in the back reaches of the building. With a swish of his trenchcoat, he had it tossed over his shoulders, hiding his wings before he was running towards the entrance of the tall building.

The scent of disinfectant and sickness washed over his sense, prayers of help slamming into his body from all sides. Normally, he would flinch away, feel his human heart tear with the emotion that the waiters and patients felt, but for now, he could only keep his mind on Dean, and on Dean it would stay.

"Dean Winchester?" Castiel said as soon as he reached the registration desk of the hospital. The nurse sitting behind it looked at him with a bit of annoyance, only for her eyes to soften to see the way he was breathing just a little heavy and clutched to the edge of the desk until his knuckles turned white.

"He is in surgery at the moment, sir. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for the doctor to get finished." She replied, giving him a sympathetic smile before turning back to her computer. Castiel gave a small nod despite her not paying attention as his adam's apple bobbed in his throat, caught and leaving it burning.

Slowly, he walked over to the waiting room, his heart filled with throb after painful throb. Around five more people sat there, a father and his two daughters, one staring at the ceiling and the other asleep, and an elderly couple with their hands entwined. He sat in the very corner of the room, a little cough escaping his throat as tears stung his eyes.

"It'll be okay, sir." A small, young voice said, and when he turned, he saw the older of the daughters staring at him with a small smile, her pudgy little cheeks making her seem a lot younger than she probably was. Castiel let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair and glancing towards the watchful eyes of the father. 

"Are you sure?" Castiel replied, forcing himself not to say what he was really thinking. What could this girl possibly know about Dean or himself for that matter? How could she be so certain at a time like this?

"Possibly not, but if we focus on the sad things, nothing good will ever come." The little girl said, puffing out her cheeks thoughtfully as she looked at her father before giving him a small smile. "That's what Mommy always tells me, and that's why I won't cry when I go see her."

"Your mom sounds very smart." Castiel replied, his hands clasping together as he leaned on his knees. He didn't think he could remain upright anyways. He felt light-headed, as if the reality was finally sinking in.

"She is. She's the best." The little girl said, her face lighting up in excitement. "When she gets better, we're going to go to the creek and play with the tiny fish. Mommy told me so."

Her father's expression twisted into one of pain, and he wrapped his arm around the little girl, pulling her closer. "That's enough, Felicia. You need to rest. It'll be a while before you get to see your mother." He said, his ice blue eyes turning to Castiel, an intense sadness burning through the light of Castiel's soul. The angel swallowed, glancing towards the ground, and shivering as he continued to feel the heavy stare of the man.

The man's stare left his back, and minutes slowly stretched into hours as he waited for Dean to get out of surgery. Sam got to the waiting room about thirty minutes after Castiel did, and they sat in silence, waiting for the arriving moment. The elderly couple were called back first, about two hours after Castiel sat down, the father and daughters following only an hour after that.

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