10[the one where Annabeth confesses]

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~3rd peson~
The next day Percy was up early (for once) and knocking on the door of the Athena cabin. Despite it being early all of the Athena children were up, reading, writing, solving math problems ect.
Annabeth came to the door.
"Can I talk to you?" Percy asked.
Annabeth looked into his eyes and saw that it was Percy in control. She nodded. She closed the cabin door behind her and the two sat down on the steps.
"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked.
He studied her and wondered how he had not noticed before. She normally wore a camp halfblood tshirt 24'7, but for the past week she'd only been wearing baggy tops. She'd been trying to keep it a secret from everyone.
"How long have you known?" He asked her.
"Know what?" She looked puzzled.
"Gods Annabeth I'm not stupid!" He exclaimed,"did you really think you could keep this a secret from me?"
Annabeth looked at him and it finally begin to dawn on her what he was talking about, she put a hand on her stomach,"how did you find out?" She asked quietly.
"When you were talking to Piper last night," he told her.
"Are you mad?"
"Yes I'm mad, but only because you didn't tell me!"he put an arm around her shoulders,"how would I not be happy about this? We're going to be parents, sure if I'd had the choice we would've waited, but it's perfect Annabeth."
"How is any of this perfect?" She felt tears spring to her eyes,"there are three of you trapped in one body and I can't find any way to stop it apart from you killing yourself!" She sobbed.
"What?" He asked.
"You heard me!" She said,"the only way I can find to get you all back to your own bodies is for you to kill yourself."
Percy didn't answer.
His fatal flaw was at work.

I Actually remembered to update!!!
For those of you who have worked out what I'm planning PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!! It has to be done.
Remember to vote, comment and play the game of life!
~Em xx

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