Chapter 2: The Realisation

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"Your lying, this guy is more than just a person you don't know! You like him don't you?" Lisa states matter-of-factly.

I think about how I am falling for Suho and what I like about him. Suddenly a tear plops from my cheek as I realize he could end up like Aaron.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you!" Lisa says as she comforts me."Look I know it's hard to break up with your first love. Some people take it harder than others and you are such a fragile little thing. You don't deserve to be treated how Aaron treated you but you really need to move on and find love again. It's for the best."

"Oh hell, I've moved on from Aaron I just can't trust boys to love me unconditionally, you know?"

"Don't worry you have all the time you need to get to know this guy." Lisa smiles.


Lisa tells me we will talk later and she shuffles of to form. I grab my books and go to form after collecting the roll as I am class captain. I hand the roll to my teacher and sit in my usual spot up the front, and answer a quiet 'here' as my name is called. Shane walks into form, fashionably late as usual and gets in trouble from the teacher. It really surprises me that Shane hasn't had a detention at all this year, but I guess that's just his charm. Shane sits next to me and I notice that he has gone to the bathroom to fix up his hairstyle that I wrecked. I stifle a giggle as he turns to me and asks if his hair looks alright. I reply a "Of Course" and wonder if he has a crush on a girl. Someone walks in and apologizes to the teacher about being late. They come over and ask if they can sit next to me and I say yes without looking up. I fiddle with my hair, fixing the parts that are out of place when the student asks me what classes I have next. I look up and draw in a breath sharply as I see the perfect face of Suho next to me. I flip through my mind trying to remember what I have next period.

"Don't you have Geography with me?" Shane reminds me.

"Oh, yes that right, I just had a mind blank." I laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, are you with Mr Hudson in room.....H4?" Suho asks while searching his timetable.

"That would be it, uh, why don't you walk to class with us?" I ask sweetly.

"That would be good!" He smiles.

I turn to Shane, thanking him for saving me. He frowns in response and looks over my shoulder to Suho, who is busy organizing his things.

"I have a bad feeling about him" he whispers.

I open my mouth to say something when the bell rings. Shane gets up and walks out quickly. Damn, I'll have to investigate that later. I help Suho with his things as he almost topples them over and we walk out.

We walk to Geography and talk about our likes and dislikes. It was so cool! We have heaps of things in common. Our favourite colour is sky blue and our favourite animal is a white tiger. We walk into Geography laughing and I invite Suho to sit next to me and Shane. Shane glares at me and gives me a funny look but I ignore him. I talk to Suho the whole lesson, despite the teacher's annoyed looks. It turns out he is in most of my classes and it doesn't hurt to be friends right? He says that he is really glad that he met me as he has no friends yet. I ask if he wants to sit with me and my friends at lunch.

"Don't worry my friends are really nice" I laugh

"Haha, if you friends are anything like you I'll be more than fine" He laughs back.

Suddenly he stops laughing and studies me curiously. I can't help it, I blush from head to toe, probably tomato red. But Suho doesn't laugh at me, infact he smiles a lopsided grin that makes me forget about my terrible past. He smile sneaks through my defenses, letting my heart fully accept that I have a massive crush on him. My mind screams in panic, but it drowns into the background. It's too late now, I like him to much. Suddenly my mind takes over again, mocking me, telling me that if I ever ask him out he will reject me and my ugly heart. I panic and send him a shaky smile and turn to Shane in a complete wreck. Robert notices me turn to him and without looking he says.

"What are you sick of him now?" With a look of disgust on his face.

He looks up at me and his eyes widen.

"Are you okay Grace, I didn't mean to upset you!" He says worriedly.

I didn't realise I was crying until he said that. I felt the cold salty drops slide down my face. He quickly grabs a hanky out of his pocket and wipes my tears away. He asks what's wrong and I shake my head, unable to form the words.

"If you ever want to talk, don't hesitate to ask. I've been really worried about you since you broke up with Aaron. I just want you to know, I'm here for you." He worries.

The bell rang, saving me from answering. I gather my things quickly and run out of class, through the hallway, and into the bathroom. I rush into a cubicle, attempting to stop my tears. I acknowledge my mind-breaking realisation of my feelings as my heart swells, in its element. My heart rejoices the fact I have finally moved on, while my mind trembles in fear of rejection and loss. I hear my name being called and shrink back at the fear of facing my friends.

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