Chapter 1: The Meeting

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I stare into his eyes, an ever swirling hazelnut brown. His gaze makes me feel warm inside, my stomach flutters in a wave of butterflies and my heart beats faster. I turn away thinking of all the times I have been utterly broken by those I love. I run. I hope he doesn't follow me, I can't take the pain of being betrayed again. I run, faster and faster, pumping my arms and legs as fast as they will go. I fly past the lush greenery that is my local park, almost knocking over a couple of joggers. Everyone is staring but I don't care, I just have to get away. I run around the corner, sprinting the last one hundred metres to my quaint house. I hurriedly fish my keys out of my school bag and shakily unlock the door. I slam the door, luckily my parents aren't home. I fling my bag across the living room and I trudge up to my bedroom, collapsing on my bed in a fit of tears. I try not to think about the handsome new guy from school and his beautiful brown eyes. I need to get a hold of myself. Love shouldn't make me erupt in a flow of tears. No one should.

A single beam of blinding sunlight shoots into my room, waking me up in an instant. I roll over and realise that I slept through dinner as my stomach growls, threatening to cave in. I slowly get up, shrinking back at the biting cold and get ready for school, the exact place I don't want to be right now. I eat my breakfast of toast at a snail's pace, attempting to drag out the time I have before I take that highway to hell. I retrieve my school bag from the furtherest most corner of the living room and walk out the door to my house.

I board the bus at exactly 8:00 and pass my eyes over the numerous passengers, rolling my eyes in disgust as I see the only space left is next to my first and only love, my ex Aaron Campbell. He looks handsome this morning which I admit with hatred. His shortish blonde hair is brushed down, covering his eyebrows but leaving his once kind brown eyes uncovered for the world to see. I say a polite hello but refrain from further conversation even though he keeps trying to start one. We had had a nice love while it lasted, he was a total sweetheart and I had loved him dearly until the day I saw him hand in hand with the girl I most hated in the entire universe, Maddie Clarke, A stuck up, rich French girl who had a habit of making my life miserable. I think he felt really guilty when he saw me as he knows how much I hate Maddie and since that day he has acted apologetic around me.

After a long fifteen minutes the bus finally jolts to a stop outside my high school, North Trisdale. I love school even though I'm a loner amongst my group of friends. I enjoy my subjects and take my grades very seriously. But today I frown upon the light blue building and its clear glass doors. I enter the building and grab my books from my locker and make my way towards the library.

I finally enter my favourite room in the school, inhaling the scent of books and knowledge. I search for my friends and spot Lisa, Natasha and Shane. I make a beeline for them when I bump into someone. I apologize frantically and pick up the books I knocked from the person's hand. I stand up, handing the books over and look into my peer's face. My eyes meet with the same swirl of hazelnut brown from yesterday.

"Hi, I'm Suho. I'm new here."

I freeze for a second, biting back the tears pricking at my eyes.

"Nice to meet you Suho, I'm Grace" I smile.

He was so handsome. His hair was chocolate brown and almost covered his eyes making him mysterious and cute at the same time. His skin was a milky brown colour and enhanced his best features, his beautiful white smile and his eyes. I almost died on the spot, he was like an angel.

"Would you like to know the meaning of my name?" His eyes twinkle as he asks me nicely.

"Ah.... Sure." I reply unsteadily.

"It means guardian in Korean, My parents are from Korea." He informs me.

"That is such a cool name, I wish mine had a special meaning." I reply jealously.

"Grace is a beautiful name you know." He smiles "Well, I better head off, Catch ya later!"


I stare at him as he walks out of my sight. I sigh, I am falling for him, and hard. I wake up from my dream and mentally slapped myself for falling for another guy. I quickly stride over to my table of friends trying to forget what just happened. Shane is listening to music through his headphones and dancing to the beat. I run over and mess up his hair style, wincing as I pull away.

"How much gel do you need? Gee weez!" I accuse.

He glares at me as I sit down.

"Is it just because I'm Asian? Is that why you make fun of my hair?" He says jokingly.

"Noooo!" I roll my eyes.

I look at Natasha who is totally absorbed in a book. She says good morning adjusts her glasses and returns to world of books. Suddenly Lisa appears asking me hundred questions about the guy I was just talking to.

"Who is he?!"

"I don't know" I reply.

My Guardian Angel (Exo FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora