Being Boring

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    I looked into his eyes from atop the screen of my computer and giggled, yet he wasn't even doing something funny or trying to make me laugh. I honestly think that's the best thing about Jim. his sole presence lights up a room and makes me feel happy.

    Michael came out of his office and started yapping about something... You know what ? I don't even care. I'm really just too happy to bore myself by listening to his mumbo jumbo.

    A few minutes later I looked at my clock and  it turned out to be 5 o'clock, which is my favourite time at work. Because that's the time I get to leave. I looked over at Jim again but he was messing with Dwight, so I turned my computer off and got up, took my coat off the hook and started making my way towards the exit. Every time I do this (every weekday) I show my undeniable inner strength. If left to its own device, my body would surely jump up and down screaming with joy. But, trying hard to suppress that tempting and exilirating thought, I walked calmly into the corridor to the lift, allowing myself a tiny, near silent, ''yeah !''.

When I looked up from the parking lot to Michael's window, he was spying on me. I don't even know why I check anymore. I check everyday. It's kind of depressing to think that he doesn't have anything better to do with his time than to watch his plain receptionist get into her cheap car and drive away every day. I think I would like to get his salary for the work that he does. Sorry did I say work ? God, I meant passive inactivity (yes it exists : he invented it) and generally boring idle stuff.

When I had got home and taken off my coat I started brewing myself a cup of tea. As I sat down and sipped I started to nod off...

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