The latch on the door was unlocked and I heard the person slowly step into the room. I pretended to stay asleep so they could leave me alone.

I controlled my breathing and tried to slow down my fast heartbeat. The person stepped closer and was in front of me. I could feel his breath fanning on my face. It was warm and I shivered slightly at the heat it gave me.

I gasped as a warm finger trailed down my cold cheeks till it reached my pulse.

"Still out cold." The deep voice echoed in the room.

He walked back to the door, "I want her to be checked on every hour. When she's awake, come call me."

"Yes sir."

The door locked once again and I opened my eyes. I wanted to cry. I had no idea what they wanted or why I was here.

After a while, I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, and soon I fell into another deep slumber.

Something disturbed my sleep and I awoke. The light from outside the door was blinding my eyes as it was fully opened.

I groaned and moved to cover eyes from the light.

"Looks like she's awake."

I looked up to see two tall figures walking towards me. I couldn't see what they looked like as it shadowed by the lights. One of them crouched down to my level and examined my face.

The one in front of me was wearing a black cloak with the hood big enough to cover the face.

"Child, you'll have to come with us," the female said.

I refused to go with them until I knew why I was here. "No, I don't want to. I want to know why I am here and what's gonna happen to me."

The female laughed, "Child, you will get your answers soon enough, but right now it is important you come with us."


The male spoke, "Leave it. We have to tell him she's woken up. I'll go, you stay with her."


The cloaked figure turned back towards me.

"Why am I here?" I asked quietly.

The woman paused, "... I can't tell you. You'll find out in due time."

"Why me? I'm just a normal girl."

"That's what you think. You're more special than you believe. He's been waiting for you."

I felt sick and my hands were clammy.

"Ah...she's awake is she?"

We both turned around to the voice. The woman stood up and bowed her head to the figure. She moved to the side as he came closer to me.

The lights in the room came on and I had to blink a few times as my eyes adjusted to the light.

My eyes trailed up the man who had a red cloak on instead. I was kind of  freaked out by the hidden faces, what if they were hiding something?

I stuttered out, "W-who are you and w-why am I here?"

He didn't speak and stood for a good few minutes just watching me. My breathing was getting faster and I looked around at the other people dressed in black.

They were just standing there, waiting for the man to speak.

"All your questions will be answered, but first I want you to meet someone who I think you will like."

I could feel the malice in his voice and I gulped. My eyes quickly watched the other two who seemingly floated away from the room due to the long cloaks.

The door locked from the outside. My eyes slowly averted to the man in front of me, who had his head tilted towards one side.

Fear and dread engulfed my whole body as I watched him gradually take his hood off as he came even closer.

My heart stopped beating.

Then I screamed...


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