Chapter 4

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Hi before I start the chapter, I wanted to say thank you to all those who took a chance to read my story, and for the lovely comments from everyone!


Back at the Woodgrove High School in Kent, Dean was having a hard time controlling the masses of parents who had turned up at the school demanding answers and promises to keep their child safe. The reception and the outer area was jam-packed with angry parents waiting for Dean to come out of his hiding area.

Alas, he made an appearance only to be faced with objects being chucked at him and a near miss to his most precious area.  In his hand was a megaphone which he turned on and began his speech of lies and fake promises.

He shouted very convincingly, "Parents, I can assure you that all students in this school are under high protection from police, and an investigation is being carried out with utmost urgency to find the missing girl. The school is safe and I promise you that your child will leave here safe and sound back to their homes on time."

The grumblings of parents had died down a little, and shortly after Dean had called all parents into the dining hall that been set up earlier for an assembly. Parents were seated almost immediately, grateful to be out of the cold weather and into the warmth.

Dean began his slow walk up to the front platform and answered questions that were being fired at him. Sweat was forming on his forehead as the questions began to get harder for him, now I know how the students feel.

He wrapped up the unscheduled meeting half an hour later, telling the naïve parents he would inform them of any news of the case. They walked out and Dean had stormed into his office intending to take a long gulp from his water bottle on his desk.  Unknown to him, the students were watching the whole scene from outside into the meeting hall, an unspoken plan formed between all members to make Dean's life hell.   


Jeanne had reached the house forty five minutes later due to heavy traffic in the morning. She walked to the front of the porch, noticing the light drizzle that had started, thanking her stars that she had set off earlier. She pressed the bell, wiping her hands on her trousers where a single cobweb had decidedly to fall loose on her hand.

 The garden she imagined must have been beautiful, all that was left now was discoloured petals which most had dropped off its stem. The fallen petals and leaves littered the soil, with tiny bitten holes left in them from the tiny insects that thrived from the decaying plants.

Finally, the lady of the house opened the door who smiled warmly at her, but her eyes held curiosity as to why she was here.

"Ah sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if I can look at the footage again for police enquiries?"

The lady who was still dressed in her thick brown sleeping robes, let her in and shut the door.  Her red puffy eyes and messy hair meant she had just been woken up. Good thing she wasn't one of the cranky ones who hated mornings with a passion.

 She led her into the living room and gestured to the sofa, "Please have a seat, I'll be down in fifteen," she said tiredly. Jeanne nodded to her who then left, walking silently up the stairs. The woman sat down on the comfy sofa and leaned back, afraid she wasn't going to get back up with how much the sofa had sank under her weight.

The house was adorned similarly to how her parents had done up their own when she was little. Fancy sofas, antiques and wooden furniture. It was all nostalgic to her, where times back then were calm and peaceful, the neighbourhood children running around in the streets and coming back all dirty and grimy. There was none of that now, with danger lurking at every possible corner, fear instilled into children of what was out there.

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