Torture [Tony - Fluff]

Start from the beginning

You stroll back into the kitchen to see Miranda leaning across the counter toward Bucky, pushing her breasts up on the marble.
You pick up your mug and place a hand on your hip.
"Miranda, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave." You state, trying to seem authoritative.

She completely ignores you, moving a hand to run a finger along Bucky's metal arm. He swiftly pulls it back and she giggles.
"It's so cold." She squeals.
"Miranda." You speak louder.
She looks up to you and frowns.
"Are you talking to me?" She asks, her sickly sweet voice reverberating off the walls.
"My name is Melodie." She snickers, turning her attention to Steve.

"So, Captain, was everything enhanced with that serum?" She raises her eyebrows suggestively, making her fingers walk across the counter toward him.
Steve begins to fumble and you've had enough.
"Melodie, then. You need to leave."
She sighs, retreating from her advances on the boys.

"And why would that be? I have a feeling Tony wants to keep me around a little longer. I satisfy his needs."
"I'm sure you do," you grit your teeth as you say this, "but Tony has other priorities. In fact, we all do. Official Avengers business." You confirm.
"I don't mind." She shakes her head, taking a sip from her mug.
"I'm sorry but quite frankly, we can't trust you. You could be undercover for all we know."
'I highly doubt it' you think to yourself, but you have to make it sound like you have a reason she needs to leave.

"Oh. Okay, I'll get my stuff." She gets up and heads back to Tony's room.
You sigh and sit back down.
"What's our mission?" Bucky asks.
"No real mission, but getting rid of her is turning out to be one!"
"Oh, thank god!" Steve interrupts. "Girls like that are so unappealing..they scare me."
You chuckle at Steve's pure innocence and comfortably finish your breakfast with the boys.

About 15 minutes later Melodie returns to the kitchen wearing a skimpy black dress and sky-high heels, clearly the outfit from last night. She's taking the walk of shame, yet she seems anything but ashamed.
"Well, good luck with your mission." She sneers, then leans toward Bucky.
"Call me if you want a bit of fun sometime." She flutters her eyelashes at him.
"I'm good, thanks. I don't want anyone's sloppy seconds, especially not Tony's." He replies bluntly.
She falters for a second before straightening herself up.
"Your loss." She shrugs.
She begins to walk from the kitchen and you walk her to the front door.

In the elevator she turns to you.
"So, you like Tony don't you?" She grins.
You look at her both shocked and concerned.
"What do you mean?" You act calm, as to not let her know you're freaking out inside.
"No one tenses up like that when another girl has her arms around a man unless they like him, and you clearly don't like me. You're obviously jealous." She flicks her hair off her shoulder.

You begin to defend yourself but her annoying voice cuts you off.
"He's really good in bed, just to let you know. You know, in case you'll never get there. He's very attentive to a woman's needs." She sneers and you have to restrain yourself from attacking her right there and then. "You'll have to learn to like me, I think I'll be around a lot more often." She continues. "Tony's great."
You begin to lose your temper at her.
"Look, Melonie- Melodie, whatever the hell your name is, this morning Tony told me your name was Miranda, so excuse me for being confused, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Tony has a different self-centred stuck up bitch every weekend and none of them have ever shown up here again because you are nothing but a casual fuck, and that's all you'll ever be."

A sly smile tugs at her lips.
"But at least I had that. At least he loved me for a night. What about you? You can't say that."
"Oh, please, he used you for your body." Your temper was rising by the second and if this elevator didn't stop soon you'd probably kill her.
"But, that's what you want, isn't it? Face it, Tony likes me and you don't like it."
"Oh yeah? So where's Tony now? Hiding in his lab whilst I get rid of you because he doesn't even want to face you. Yeah, it must be true love." You reply sarcastically.

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