Chapter 9: A King and his Queen

Start from the beginning

"WHAT!" the three of them Yelled. "Oh please Cage your little frozen powers didn't even scrape the armor on those soldiers newbie."Vira said. "What did you just call me!" "Newbie! You got a problem with that!"

"Yeah i'm not a newbie, Scarlett is the newbie! And so far I don't even think we should call her a newbie she's not really doing her part,You want to talk about barley scrapping the armor, talk to her!"

"Hey give her a break this is her first time using her powers, I think she's been doing great." Danny said. "Why are you defending her?!" Amy said. "Because thier picking on the weakest one of us."

"She's not one of us yet! And why don't you defend me anymore?!" "Because you don't need defending your very powerful." "I mean like in arguments!" she yelled. "Like I said your powerful I can't fight all your battles for you, your not a kid Amy...kind of......."

"WHAT! No you know what if I'm not a kid anymore and I'm a Women why haven't you proposed to me yet?!" Everyone was staring at Amy and Danny's argument. Truth was that everyone was wondering the same thing.

"I....I'm just not.....I don't see you like that!" "SO WHAT DO YOU SEE ME LIKE!" she yelled. "JUST A NORMAL GIRLFRIEND IS THAT A PROBLEM!?" "YES IT'S A PROBLEM WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 9 YEARS."

"WELL EXCUSE ME THAT I'M NOT LIKE SOMEONE WHO PROPOSED TO SOMEONE AFTER 1 YEAR!" As soon as he finished his statement. His eyes widened. He realized what he said, he saw the sadness in Damion's eyes.


They both walked opisite ways. All of them went thier seperate ways and all who was left was Damion and Luna.P still trying to process what just happened. "Daddy....what just?"

"I have no idea...I think this place is getting to them." "Should we go after them?" "No let leave them be...they need to blow off some steam first. They'll find us sooner or later." "O-Ok...." They both walked on.

"Hey Daddy i've been thinking, why don't we just make a way out." He stopped walking and face palmed himself. "Why didn't I think of that!" "Uuuuhhhh you know what this would be to easy to insult so I'm going to let this one slide."

"Ok....We'll make a way out....actually we'll make multipule portals so the others can find their way out eventually." "Sounds like a good idea." "I'm going to need you help though."

"KK" They made a way out and made other various portals around the maze so everyone else could get out. Damion and Luna.P found themselves in the hall that their bedrooms were in. They walked and opened the bedroom doors. He saw the bits of her clothing and a little blood on the floor.

"Where is she?!" He questioned. Luna.P looked on the floor and saw the chain marks. "Daddy it looks like he's taken her in the direction of the throne room." "Good eye let's go!" He ran ahead of Luna.P, he stopped in the throne room and saw Solenia hanging from the ceiling in the chains.

Luna.P followed from behind. But she couldn't get into the room, there was a barrier in the door way. "Daddy I can't get through!" Damion rushed back to the doorway. "Your going to have to find another way around." "Got it." Luna.P had an Idea but first she had to find everyone. Damion walked up to Solenia.

She out cold, she had, had all the engery sucked out of her. "Solenia....." he caressed her cheek, his hand glowed red and he was shocked. "Well look who made it all the way here." SD came out of the shadows.

"I would advise you to not touch my trophey, it's my property after all." "How could you treat her like this, if you truly loved her you wouldn't keep her like this." "You don't know how much I love her, now enough talk let's finish this!"

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