Pranking and hotels Part 2

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Abby added KLING on a private chat

Abby: hey KLING

KLING: oh god what do you want?

Abby: what I can't just say hi to my teammate

KLING: we are in the same hotel. You would've nocked on my door

Abby: what if I was too lazy to get up?

KLING: stop stalling what do you need?

Abby: ok so I do need something.

Abby: Kelley, Hope and I are planning to prank Pinoe, Alex and Tobin

KLING: this already doesn't sound good

Abby: wait it gets better

Abby: to do this we are going to text Megan on and phone that she doesn't know the number. And we are going to say its Tobin's closest friend. This "friend" is going to explain to Megan how all she talks only about Alex. Megan is going to freak out and go to Alex or Tobin. They are going to be confused and it's going to be hilarious

KLING: so in what way does this involve me?

Abby: we need your phone

KLING: ha no way

Abby: please

KLING: i don't want anything to do with this

Abby: I promise you won't

Abby: we only need your phone

KLING: fine but you better delete the evidence off my phone.

Abby: you act like we are committing a crime, but ok.

KLING: come to my room and pick it up. I'm too lazy to walk to your room

Abby: sometimes I wonder how you're even a soccer player

KLING: hey! Let me be lazy. This is the only happiness I have left

Abby: sheesh I'm sorry.

Abby: I'm coming up
Read at 4:35

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