"Take it easy, Jake," She commented.

Suddenly, as if I just remembered, I looked to the side where Josh had collapsed.

"Hey, what about Josh!"

"Don't worry. A few of my nurses came in with me and they took him to the hospital. I am about to go back now to check on him. He seems to be collapsing a lot recently and I wonder if it has anything to do with the red wolf who paralyzed you."

"I don't know, but I wouldn't doubt it," I stated before attempting to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Ric called.

Turning around, I simply said, "I need to check on Selena."

"Don't worry about her. She's heading to the pack house. Luna Amy is going to be with her."

"But-" I started, only to be cut off by Ric.

"I need your help, Jake. Many more of my warriors have either been injured or killed by this intruder. I need all the people I can get in order to take this guy down."

As much as I wanted to make sure Selena was ok, I knew that I couldn't just ignore my duties.

Protect the pack at all costs... I echoed to myself.

Sighing, I faced back towards the door, "Ok, lead the way."

*Josh POV*

Soon after Tyler and Selena left, I felt almost immediately exhausted. They turned out the lights for me, to which I was grateful. It's been a rough several days, not counting my constant chest pains. I wanted nothing more than to sleep everything off. 

However, of course that couldn't happen. The sudden sharp pain returned with such an intensity that I'm surprised I didn't pass out again. My head was swirling with the pain that was growing in my chest. Just when I thought I couldn't take it any longer, I noticed a figure that seemed to materialize from the darkness.  

"Well, look who we have here?"

My eyes went wide with shock. I know that voice...

"What are you doing here, Aaron!" I spat angrily.

"Now, is that any way to greet your cousin? I just wanted to see you." A malicious and borderline psychotic smile crept across his face.

"Your father may not ever want you back, but I've missed you."

I know what he is implying, and I don't like it at all. He has said that he "wants me to join his pack" but he knows that there is no way that will ever happen.

"I don't believe that for a second. Your past actions don't seem to reflect that you have any ability to 'miss me'." 

Anger flickered in his eye as he returned, "Tough talk from the boy who's bedridden. This is your chance at gaining redemption with the good side of the family and you refuse it?" 

"I'd hardly call your side the 'Good side'" I retorted.

"You took away the love of my life! And I find the decency in my heart to look past that to accept you with open arms," Aaron raised his voice as it reverberated off of the hospital walls.

Silence filled the air as Aaron quietly began walking around the room. Stopping at the window, he spoke so softly, I would have a hard time hearing him if not for my sense of hearing.

"Selena is a beautiful young woman," the corners of his mouth turned up into a terrifying smile.

Straining to sit up, I threatened, "If you so much as touch her -"

"Ah, like you stole Brooke from me? Huh?" cutting me off, he angrily turned around toward me once again. 

I looked down in silence.

"And look where she ended up? Dead." He spat out in hatred.

Silence once again filled the room as we sat, staring each other down while carefully studying each other's movements. Lowering his voice once again, he spoke sadistically.

"I think its only fair I return the favor."

"NO!" I shouted. Mustering all the strength I had left, I sprung from the bed and lunged at Aaron, only to see him disappear out of thin air.

Once again, I have put another girl in danger because of my psychotic cousin. If I don't get to her soon...

Hold on, Selena. 

I quietly prayed as my determination gave me back the strength I previously didn't have.

He won't get away with this.

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