Sneaking out

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"Brooklyn , dinner is ready" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Im coming, be down there in a few."

*downstairs eating dinner*

"Brooklyn, me and your father are going to San Diego. I will take your sisters to Aunt Pselly house for the week. If you want you can go with or stay home."

"I'll stay home, what time will you be back home?"

"Im leaving Wednesday night, and I'm going to come back on Friday. You better behave while I'm gone missy."

"Mom, im not gonna throw a party or anything. " Brooklyn said with a smirk on her face.

"Okay honey, i trust you."

Sorry this chapter is short! But the next chapter will be longer and have more action! (; Hope you guys like the book💗

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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