Outlaws of Love Ch. 5

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A/n:hey hope you like this chapter. to be honest i like the phone version better. 


Pic of Mark and Logan -----> 


Chapter 5

Blake's pov:

"Hey babe are you ok?"I asked look at Jackson. "Ya, I love you Blake,"he answerd kissing me. We started making out. I pulled off his shirt and he pulled out mine.

"Hey babe can you do me a favor?"Jackson asked kissing me. "Ya, what is it?"I asked pulling of his pants. "I want you inside of me."he answered blushing. "Excuse me,"I said. "I want you to be top and me bottom, I don't want you to think that I treating you like your the girl,"he said pulling off my pants. "I know you don't think that i'm the girl."I said pulling off his boxers. "Just can you please be top this one time,"he pleaded. "Fine, only cause you want to." I said as he pulled off my boxers.

I kissed his neck and trailed down to his crotch. I took him in my mouth and I pleased my boyfriend, he released in my mouth as he moaned my name, and I kissed him letting him taste himself. Then he took me in his mouth, and I moaned his name as I reached my peek.

I released in his mouth,and he kissed me, letting me taste myself. "I'm ready," he said as I put lube on my dick and on his ass. "Ok, then me if you want me to stop, or if i'm hurting you."I said as I stuck my finger in his ass, I replaced my finger with my dick.

"Holy mother of God,"Jackson gasped making me stop. "Shit I'm so sorry,"I apologized as Jackson started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" I asked kissing Jackson. "I'm laughing at you, you think your hurting me, your not, being bottom is pain, man the bottoms a more manly than top, cause they can endure this much pain. I'll never ever think that a bottom is weak. And I love it this way, I love you,"Jackson said kissing me.

"Babe I love you too, and I love it this way, but I like being bottom better,"I said thrusting in him faster. "I-I like being top better too, but can we at least switch position sometimes, like at least once every month," he moaned. "S-Sure,"I moaned.

"B-Blake faster, G-God I love you,"Jackson moaned. "I-I love you too J-Jackson,"I moaned as I thrusted faster. I released inside of him moaning out his name as he released on our chest and stomach moaning out my name. I collapsed on top of him. We cleaned up and then fell asleep.

"OMG, I can't believe Blake toped Jackson."Nike and Nike said at the same time. "Well you guys shut the fuck up, my ass hurts"Jackson said getting up. "Sit the fuck down, you're having breakfast in bed, just like the our first time, oh and sorry,"I said kissing him. I got up pushing nike and Nate out my room and went fixs us both breakfast.

I walked back in my room and I gave Jackson his breakfast as I ate mine. "Baby you're the best I ever had and ever going to have, I never want to leave you,"Jackson said kissing me. "Same, I never want you to leave, cuz i'm not leaving,"I said kissing him back.

Nike and Nate walked in my room arguing. "It's not fair, that they can switch positions, and we can't. You think i'm the girl in this relationship, you don't love me anymore,"Nate yelled at Nike. "Nate I love you more than anything and I'm just scared that if we do switch positions you're not going to feel good or if i'm a bad bottom,"Nike said kissing Nate. "Ya, sure,"Nate said walking out of the room.

"Nike I think you should just try it,I was scared too, but I overcome it an asked him and then we did it. Nate think that you think his the girl."Jackson said kissing me. "I agree, and I was also scared too."I said kissing Jackson back. "Ok fine, but if he doesn't like it than i'm blaming it on you two."Nike said walking out of the room.


Nike's pov: 

  "Nate babe fine we can switch, but I warned you,"I said to Nate cried. "No, I don't want to force you, I think you think that i'm the girl, but i'm not, yes I may acte like it, but that because when I around you I get nervous."he cried look away from me.

"Nate I don't think of you as a girl, if I thought if you as the girl then I would have just dated a girl, I think it's cute when you act like a girl, and I get nervous, I scared that i'm not enough for you, and you mean everything to me. I love you so much, I know I may not show it, but it becauce I don't want you to think I'm a clingy creep. I scared that if i'm not good at being bottom than you'll leave me, and that will kill me,"I said a tears fell down my cheek.

"I will never leave you, and you're not a clingy creep, I love you too, you mean everything to me,"Nate said hugging me. "Aww my baby boy is such a gentlemen,"my mom said as she kissed my father. They left and we had make up sex, but this time I was bottom.


Blake's pov:

  "Hey Blake would you like to go to the movies tonight?"Jackson asked looking at me. "Sure why not,"I answered kissing him. I went get ready and then we left. "So is this like a date?"I asked lookin at the road. "Yes, and no I will not tell you what we're going watch,"Jackson answered  holding my hand.  "Well can you at least give me a hint,"I said looking at him. "Fine, it's a new movie and I hope you like it, but you being blindfolded until we find seats and I already got the tickets,"Jackson said as we pulled up to the movie theater.

 Jackson blindfolded me and we walked into the movies. The blindfolded were being undone and I looked around and saw Jackson putting the blindfolded back in his pocket. "Hey look fags,"some kids that go out school said. i think their name are Tim, Jake, and Gavin. "You're just jealous that I we have more sex than you, and if I ever hear you guys call someone a fag I'll beat the living shit out of you, did you know that everyone has a gay family member, you may never know who it is, it can be your brother or your favorite cousin. Think before you say something kid,"Jackson said look at the kid, if looks could kill the kid would be dead.

 "Ya Tim, I'm gay and I fucked your brother,"another boy said smiling. "Dude that's just cold, not that you fucked his brother,it's cold because you just made a guy come out before he's ready,"I said looking at the kid. "Is this true Jake?"the first boy asked looking at his brother. "Ya, and it was fucking good, and he means i fucked him, he didn't fuck me, and we're dating,"Jake said as he kiss the other boy. "Thanks Gavin. What you're Jackson Rivers the schools footballs captain and you're Blake his boyfriend,"Jake said as he hold Gavins hand. "God all the gay kids at school wirship you guys, it has be a honor to met you and sorry about my brother, he's a asshole, well see you guys at school I think we have all of the same classes together,"Jake said kissing Gavin.  

  "Wow that was fun, best date ever,"I said as we walked out the movie theater. "Thanks I'm glad you have fun, I love you,"Jackson said kissing me. "Fags stop kissing in public, there are kids here and we don't want them to be gay,"A guy said in disgust. "If you have a problem with it then do something, it's fucking America the land of the free, this is a free country and this state we can get married in and

I don't see a no gay PDA sign,"Jackson said looking at the man.

"Babe just lets go,"I said to Jackson. "Ya, listen to your girlfriend, it"s true in every gay couple there's a girl,"the man said. "It's it bitch, that means if I hit you, you can't him me back, cause if i'm right it's lllegail to hit a girl, and i'm stronger than you. You say that being gay is a sin, crime is a sin too, I heard thta a gay kid was killed by the guy the like becaues he gay, that boywas only 12 years old. 

 You just use the bible to fuck with gays, god make us this way for a reason, and look now that kid  is going to grow up hateing gays, and one day he might kill a someone just caues the like the same gender, or he might  be gay,"I yelled at the man. He must have realized that, because he stoped. "I'm sorry, it's just thatmy son died from STDs he got from his boyfriend. Please be carefull."the man said as he started crying as I hugged him. "It's ok and we are,"I said kissing Jackson. "Outlaws of Love" came on  the radio and we sang along.

________________________________________________________________________________A/N: Hey guy hope you like this chapter, if it look different that;'s cauzes im on my computer and it skips lines. Sorry this chapter is short. Please comment,vote and share.

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