A wandless lesson

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The next day, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Percy, Nico, and Leo were walking together in the halls on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Harry stopped to tie his shoe. Ron and Hermione waited behind with him while Leo Nico and Percy went ahead.
When Harry finished tying his shoe, he started to walk forward with Hermione and Ron but then stopped them. He waited until the other three were around the corner, then said, "There's something strange about those three. I don't think they're normal wizards."
"Harry, are you sure you're not just..." Hermione trailed off. Harry fought down a spike of anger.
"No. I'm certain that there's something different about them. I'm not saying they're evil or anything but they aren't ordinary wizards, and I'm going to find out for certain."
"Harry, no!" Hermione pleaded. "We can't spy on them. They're our friends!"
"They're hiding something. Didn't you see last night when I shook Percy's hand? He has a tattoo. I'll bet..."
"He's not a Death Eater, Harry..." Hermione scoffed.
"But what if he is?" Ron fretted. "That would mean..."
"That he's working for Voldemort, spying on the one place Voldemort won't go as long as Dumbledore's here: Hogwarts."
Hermione sighed. "Alright. Once. But I'm not spying on them any more after that unless we find out for certain if they're Death Eaters." She agreed.
"Perfect." Harry said, then they ran to catch up to, in their minds, potential Death Eaters.

Percy, Nico, and Leo walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. It had a high ceiling, and there were desks clustered in groups of three. They grabbed one in the middle of the classroom and sat to wait for the new teacher.
They heard a clopping sound, and turned to see Chiron trotting through the door.
"Another centaur teacher?" They heard one student whisper. Nico pinched Leo and Percy to get their attention and keep them from calling out.
"We don't know him, remember? Keep as much a secret as possible." They then looked up, and tried to keep most emotions out of their faces except for the interest and curiosity that was mirrored on the other students faces.
Chiron met their eyes and seemed proud that they had kept their composure.
"Hello class. My name is Chiron, or Professor Chiron if you prefer. Ah, we seem to be missing a few of our students. Does anyone know where they are?"
Percy looked around. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were missing. He raised his hand. Chiron looked at him then said, "Yes sir, Mr.?" Percy briefly marveled at his acting skills then said, "Percy Jackson, sir. And I think they're just tying a shoe?"
"All three of them?"
"Erm... yes sir. I believe-" he was cut off when the trio rushed into the room.
"Ah, there they are now." Chiron said.
"Oh my! We're late aren't we?" Hermione said dejectedly. "I'm so sorry Professor-"
"Professor Chiron, we were-"
"Tying your shoes? At least that is what Mr. Jackson here tells me."
"Yes sir!" Hermione nodded enthusiastically. "We were tying our shoes."
"Very well Miss-"
"Granger, sir. Hermione Granger."
"Miss Granger. I shall let it slide this time. In the future, please be more wary of loose shoelaces."
"Thank you sir."
Hermione, Ron, and Harry slipped into a cluster of desks close to Percy, Nico, and Leo's. Hermione sent Percy a grateful smile, while Ron and Harry avoided his gaze.
"Today, class, we will be training using no magic-" a collective groan came from the class, "but instead using methods of hand to hand combat, as you may either find yourself not having a wand, or maybe not being particularly skilled with a wand, and facing a dark creature or wizard. So first I need two volunteers to show the class what they know about swordsmanship? Mr. Jackson? How about you?" Percy tried to keep a smile off his face as he walked up to the front.
"And? How about you, Mr.-"
"Malfoy." A voice drawled. "Draco Malfoy." A blonde headed kid swaggered to the front of the room.
"Now I have two swords here, they are both enchanted so that neither of you will be hurt. If the sword happens to touch you, it will go straight through you." Expecting to see Celestial Bronze, Percy instead saw a strange, greenish metal. Chiron handed both him, and the Draco kid, one.
"Try it. Touch the blade." Chiron told them. Percy placed his hand on the blade, but it passed through as if he was a ghost.
"Alright." Chiron said. "Begin..." both got into a 'ready' stance. "Now!"
The blades clashed as Percy easily deflected Draco's first blow. Percy then feinted to the left, and kicked Malfoy's legs out from under him. Malfoy fell to the ground, and Percy pointed his sword at Malfoy's throat. He then stepped on the hilt of Malfoy's sword and disarmed him. The class sat in stunned silence, aside from Leo and Nico, who had seen much more impressive displays from Percy.
"Well done, Mr. Jackson. Who else would like to try?" Most of the class raised their hands, aside from a couple of the girls who didn't want to end up on the floor. Percy offered a hand to Draco, but he sneered, and stood up on his own. Percy shrugged, and walked away. Chiron paired him with a girl who was actually ok. Percy had no trouble disarming her of course, but for someone who'd just started, she wasn't bad at all. About midway through class, Chiron had everyone stop, and sit back in their seats. He then started teaching individually, teaching a few of the students some things they needed to know, while the others were reading a section in their books about how to recognize dark magic.
When the class was over, Percy, Nico, and Leo hung back as all the other students filed out. They didn't know that they had eavesdroppers.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione waited at the door, just out of sight.
"This really doesn't feel right Harry." Hermione worried.
"But Hermione," Ron argued, "if they really are Death Eaters, then this is a good thing to do. Shh... They're saying something." All three listened intently.
"...so glad you're here Chiron. Why did you come anyways? And what about camp? Isn't it a bad idea for them to be... well... unsupervised?"
"A few of the counselors are college age or older, Percy. They should be fine for a few months. And besides, I've asked Reyna to come and take charge while I'm away." They heard Percy sigh with relief.
"I'm glad. The camp is in capable hands. But more importantly, any news about Annabeth?" Percy sounded so desperate that even Harry had to consider, a Death Eater wouldn't be so caring about anybody.
"I'm afraid not. Part of the reason I came, was to help you look for her. Her half-siblings are starting to panic. We need our best strategist back. The Hunters have found no new clues since the one pointing to Hogwarts. The other part of why I'm here, is because Dumbledore asked me. Aside from being each other's contacts, we are also good friends. He would like me to teach the wizards and witches other methods of defense besides just magic. Speaking of friends, have you found any here at Hogwarts yet?"
"Yeah. We have." They heard Leo say.
"Hermione, Harry, and Ron."
"Ah. The three who were late to class today. Which you three will be if you don't head to your next class."
Harry, Ron and Hermione knew they would be leaving soon, so they ran as quickly as they could away from the classroom. When they were pretty far away, they stopped, and listened for sounds of the three exiting. They heard a door open and shut, and then three sets of footsteps in the halls. Completely unaware that their secret was in the process of being discovered.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now