Chapter 9: I do

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* Michael's POV *

It's been 3 weeks since I found Shay and found out I am a father.

I have since moved Shay and baby MJ in with me.

I introduced James to Shay and MJ and he adores them.

He loves to play with MJ like he is his own.

I asked James to watch MJ for the night so Shay and I could have a night alone.

Shay decides to take me out somewhere but won't tell me.

"Shay for the umm-teen time where are you taking me??

"Haha drama queen, you ask to much questions. Why can't you just enjoy the ride??"

"I would if I knew where I was going."

She pulls up to the big house, like a mansion.

She gets out and motions for me to get out.

We walk up to the door and she knock on it.

A woman in a maids uniform opens the door, she sees Shay and smiles so big.

"Shay baby omg you look so beautiful, I am so happy to see you." She takes Shay into a big hug.

She looks at me and smiles, "Is this him?" She letts go of Shay.

Shay shakes her head yes and the maid comes and hugs me.

I instantly hug her back.

The maid let's go and welcomes us inside.

The house is so big and beautiful.

"What are you doing here with him??" I turn around and see the man that attacked me when Shay and I were making love, the man that snatched Shay away from me.....

Her father.

My fist clench and my jaw tightens, I owe him a ass whooping for catching me when I was in handcuffs.

Shay steps in front of me to calm me.

"Daddy I came so ypu can properly meet Michael. He is the father of little MJ. And he is someone I never stopped loving even after the time we have been apart."

"Bull shit. This man isn't shit for sleeping with one of his students and then getting her pregnant."

I step forward almost knocking Shay down, but she holds onto me.

"What's the matter pretty boy, we got a problem??" Her dad taunts

Her mother comes from around the corner, coming to see what the commotion is about.

She sees Shay and then sees me.

"Shay what us the meaning of this??"

"Momma I wanted you and daddy to properly meet Michael. The way it was supposed to be done."

"Shay this isn't a good idea. We don't wanna meet this man."

"He's in my life and MJ'S as well."

"You still have that bastard child." Her father says

I completely lose it and charge for him and starting beating the shxt out of him.

"Don't you dare call my son a bastard." I say with every punch to the face.

Shay, her mother and one of the butlers come to pull me off of her father.

Once I'm off him, he mother screams, "Get that beast out of here and never come back. We don't need you as a daughter anymore. You are trash to us, you and that son of yours."

Shay's eyes water and she runs out the house.

I run after her, "Shay baby wait."

She stops and falls to the ground crying her eyes out.

"I'm so sorry baby, I overreacted when he said that about MJ. I lost it."

"Baby I know, I just can't believe my parents would be so cruel and say things like that."

I reach into my pocket and hold this box, I know this is terrible time to ask her but I have to.

"Shay baby look at me."

She looks at me with watering eyes.

"Shay I love you more and more every day. You are so strong and I love you for taking care of our son while I wasn't there. I thank God for you everyday. I don't wanna spend another day from you. And I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

She tilts her head to the side wondering what I mean. But her face lights up when she sees the ring I have for her.

" I know this is a terrible time to ask but I just have to know." I get down on one knee, and look deep into her eyes.

"Shay-Lynn will you marry me?"

She has the biggest smile plastered on her face.


I smile and place the ring on her finger.

We hear clapping and it's the maids and butlers.

We both smile and kiss each other so gently and passionately.

I got my girl back.

To be continued. . .. . .

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