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I wake to my alarm ringing extra early today so I can be early to my interview. Today was an important interview. I have the potential to be a secretary at the Microsoft offices. It's a giant opportunity for me, especially because I'm so young.

I put on a black dress and a scarf and some flats with gold accessories. I twist my hair into a French twist on my head, as some of my shorter blonde strands fall out, framing the side of my face. I want to look put together, but let them know that I'm still only twenty-four.

Still shaky, I left my apartment and drove to the large buildings that held tons of offices, including Microsoft headquarters.

I come in through the revolving doors and go to the lady at the front desk.

"Hi can you tell me what level the Microsoft offices are on?" I question.

"Name?" She asks, impatiently.

"Jessica Malkovich." I say. She types quickly into her computer, then turns to me.

"Third floor. The whole thing." She says.

"Thanks." I say, walking over to the elevators. I press the up button and stand back as I see an empty elevator open. Walk in and press the three button and wait a couple of seconds. As no one approaches, the door starts to close.

"Wait!" I hear someone call.



I wake up to my phone ringing.

"Uh!" I whine. I answer it. "Hello?" I ask, groggily.

"Dude? It's Rocky! Are you asleep?" He asks.

"I was." I reply, annoyed.

"Do you not remember the rehearsal we have today?" He asks.

"Chill dude, it's not until nine!" I say.

"Uh, have you checked the time?" He asks. I look at my phone

9:01 AM

"Crap!" I yell. "I'll be there, just, stall for ten minutes!"

"Fine." Rocky says, and I hang up. I rummage around my hotel room for something to wear. I throw on a white tee, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a gray beanie, grab my guitar and run out the door.

I run down the street to the office buildings that hold the recording studio we rented to practice in and run to a rather awful lady at the front desk.

"Hey, do you know where the recording studios are?" I ask, out of breath.

"Well good morning to you to! Respect your elders!" She says.

"Look, I'm late for something extremely important, so could you just type it in and tell me?" I ask.


"Ross. Ross Lynch." I say.

"Floor four."

"Thanks." I say, running to the elevator. When I reach them see a door closing to go up, and I have to catch it.

"Wait!" I yell.

Elevator // R.S.L.Where stories live. Discover now