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"Hey, Kila, you up to practicing?" Katara asked.

I nodded. I haven't had the vision since the first time, two days ago, but sometimes I could feel the heat of the fire or hear the dragon's roar.

"Yeah, I'm good." I stood and entered the river with Aang and Katara and we began to practice, taking turns shooting water at each other.

"Hey, river people!" We all turned at the sound of some travelers coming toward us, and music they were playing.

"We're not river people." Katara said.

"You're not?" One if them asked. "Then what kinda people are you?"

"Just.. People." Aang said.

"Aren't we all, brother?" He said. Travelers. I swear they're even stranger now then a hundred years ago.

Sokka marched forward. "Who are you?" He demanded.

"I'm Chong." He said. "And this is my wife Lily. We're nomads. Happy to go where ever the wind takes us."

"You guys are nomads?" Aang asked. "That's great, I'm a nomad!"

"Hey, me too!" Chong said.

"I know." Aang said awkwardly. "You just said that."

"Oh." He glanced at Sokka. "Nice underwear."

~ ~ ~

We spent a bit of time talking to the nomads, and Sokka pulled me away to talk.

"Hey." I said. "What's on your mind?"

"I was thinking." He began, than stopped. "I've been meaning to ask-" He stopped again, the words not quite forming.

"Yue?" I asked. He only nodded. "Sokka, I wish I could. I actually tried. But there are sometimes even I can't- special cases. If I could, I would have."

"It's ok."

"But I've been thinking too." I hesitated. The thought had not fully formed yet. There was something, but I didn't know exactly what. Only that how could no one else notice, and a desire to find out more.

"The thought isn't complete yet." I said finally. "An idea, one that might not even work. I need more information, but for now, just know that I'm working on it."

Sokka nodded, not in understanding, but in accepting my words as truth. He glanced at me sadly, then walked over to the others, my at his heels.

"Hey Sokka, Kila, you should hear some of these songs! These guys have been everywhere!" Aang greeted.

"Well, not everywhere." Chong said. "But where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs."

"They said they'll take us to see a giant nightcrawler!" Aang said.

"On the way," Maku said. "There's this waterfall that creates a never ending rainbow!"

"Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara is busy, I guess it's up to me." Sokka said.

"Hey!" Katara pouted.

"We need to get to Omashu." Sokka continued. "No side tracks, no worms, and defiantly no waterfalls!"

"Whoa!" Chong said. "Looks like someone's got a case of destination fever! You're worried too much about where you're going. "

"You've got to focus less on the where and more on the going." Lily added.

"Oh. Ma. Shu." Sokka said firmly.

"Sokka's right, we have a time limit and can't afford to take detours." I said. "Maybe after the war, Aang."

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