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Grinny hissed and attacks him, biting and scratching. Grinny yowls angrily as the person shanks him with a knife, but he gets back on his feet and bites the person's neck, yanking and ripping off flesh, along with some veins.
Grinny grins an enormous grin and the guy falls to his knees, falling forward and slowly breathing, losing his life.
He narrows his eyes at Grinny and growls, "Curse you.." He murmurs before taking his last breath and dying.
Grinny looks at the lifeless body of the human, finally feeling manipulative again. He sighs and looks down, teeth and claws bloody. He knew that people would find the body, so and moved quickly. Grinny padded under street lamp posts and benches, hiding whenever a human was around.m
He stopped at a bench, swerving towards the forest a few feet away. Grinny went into the forest, knowing they wouldn't suspect a cat. But if they DID know Grinny and if they DID suspect him, then he wouldn't be found.
His cat heart pounded in a normal race, relaxed and calmed. He wandered the forest, going down slopes and climbing up small hillsides. Grinny sat by a tree, the leaves gone and the wind picking up. It was winter and Grinny wouldn't be able to survive without food, he knew how to get water, he just didn't have food.
The lakes, rivers, springs, streams, and creaks were frozen anyway, which made it VERY hard to get fish or any sea/lake life out to eat. Grinny knew that he would need to trick humans into giving him food if he wanted to survive, for he had no food at all and was getting hungry quickly.

Summary of Prologue:

A cat named Grinny fights and takes back control, getting known and feared. He knows people didn't know or feared him, but now they do fear him, now they do know him.
Grinny knows secrets and weaknesses. He knows things that almost no human or animal knows.

He has secrets you don't know about and he is about to tell you something you'll never forget.

Demonic & Grin-Happy (Grinny Cat Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن